Threadbare Calculations
Feb 9, 2025, 3:33pm
The spiral-bound notebook was creased at the corners, pages worn from too many nights spent thumbing through them with shaking hands. Ink bled slightly at the edges where Gotham’s damp air ...
Holding Together
Feb 8, 2025, 11:43pm
The rain hadn’t made it this far in. That was something.
Sera leaned against the back wall of the crumbling warehouse, boots scuffing against the uneven concrete floor as she slid down ...
Silver Nightmare delivers her ultimatum to all crime families at once
Feb 7, 2025, 9:54pm
After arriving in Gotham Helena grabbed a suite at the Royal Hotel. After finding someplace suitable to store her special items she began hunting. It didn't take her long to hear about the S ...
No Way Out
Feb 7, 2025, 2:19pm
Sera pressed herself into the shadowed corner of the corridor, her breath shallow and controlled. The air reeked of stale sweat, concrete dust, and gun oil—the stench of a place mea ...
Feb 6, 2025, 9:20pm
The night smelled like wet concrete and old iron—a sharp, metallic bite beneath the constant stink of Gotham’s back alleys. Sera moved carefully through the maze of rusted scaf ...
Carmine hires an assassin
Feb 2, 2025, 10:17pm
It's been five days since the Silver Nightmare first appeared. Every day the news cycle was dominated by the Silver Nightmare. Carmine Falcone every day was getting more pissed off. He event ...
A Dark Cloud
Jan 26, 2025, 2:47pm
Meanwhile in a Dr. Hurt’s manor, his two guests arrived at the door. As he opened the door he saw a poorly disguised Batzarro and a distinguished gentleman with a large briefcase in hand. ...
Helena arrives in the States
Jan 22, 2025, 2:45pm
Helena arrived in the USA via Metropolis, it was the first nonstop flight to America. Her plane nearly crashed Powergirl saved it making a water landing. After making it to land Helena went ...
Alone Time
Jan 21, 2025, 3:58pm
Since they had some downtime at Wayne Manor, Agent Orange monitored Carrie’s and Abby’s health as well as continued to train them to make them stronger. Since they experienced a lot of c ...
Silver Nightmare Reaction
Jan 20, 2025, 9:00pm
Barbara was in her apartment eating breakfast when news of the Silver Nightmare came on. Her first thought was Orime since the victims were all members of the Falcone crime family which was ...
Jan 20, 2025, 12:16pm
Oliver nodded at Lucious as he replied, "There is a lot to consider at this point. I don't want to get overwhelmed so I wish to focus on my arm first then deal with my company afterwards. Pe ...
Debut of the Silver Nightmare
Jan 19, 2025, 7:27pm
Three days after Orime disappeared anything owned by the Falcone crime family started being hit, some exploded, some simply burned to the ground. In the aftermath everyone inside was employe ...
Game Changers
Jan 19, 2025, 2:56pm
Barbara had messaged Lucious that Oliver was on the way. Lucious went to his secret R&D lab to check on the project, after Bruce's death it fell to the wayside. He couldn't remember how f ...