Characters in this post
View character profile for: Agent Orange
View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane (adoptable)
View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl
View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin
View character profile for: Richard "Dick" John Grayson (adoptable)
View character profile for: Barbara Joan Gordon (adoptable)
Posted byPosted: Dec 1, 2024, 8:51am
Kate arrived at the mansion. She looked around but couldn't find anybody so she decided to check the Cave.
"Why didn't you call? We would have dropped everything to come get you." Dick was genuinely hurt that she trusted a stranger over her friends.
Carrie looked at Dick and sighed as she replied, “You make sound like I was talking a nap. I was in a bad place and none of you were there for me. I was sick every day from the stuff Ras Al Zghul did to me and we were in the middle of nowhere in South America. There were no phones in the jungle not to mention Ras Al Ghul destroyed all my communication devices so we were stuck. Agent Orange nursed me back to health for years by leeching out the poison in my body so I could start walking again. Since I was in bad shape Agent Orange and Abigale could not travel very fast in a jungle full of poisonous plants, bugs and animals. And right now I am terrified to find out what Ras Al Ghul did to me.” Carrie was on the verge of tears as white tears began rolling down her eyes.
Barbara had Abigail sit down in a chair before she took a blood sample. She wiped off an area of her with an alcohol wipe. "You might feel a slight pinch when I insert the needle." She took a sample and put a bandaid on. She took the needle and let the computer analyze it. "This will take a while."
Abigale was a bit confused by the simple blood draw. She asked, “Is that it? My mom did much scarier stuff at the lab.” Agent Orange replied, “I can imagine how that made you nervous. Now we wait for the results.”
While in the elevator to the Cave Kate changed into Batwoman. When the elevator door opened Alfred greeted her. He introduced Batwoman to the newcomers. Kate saw the new girl and guy over in what she liked to call the medical area. She went over to Barbara.
After greeting Kate, Agent Orange and Abigale waited patiently for the blood results. Carrie was still talking to Dick and it looked a bit high in the drama side.