Reunion and a tiny hospital

When the elevator opened Dick was waiting to get on in his Nightwing costume. He made room for Barbara and the others to exit. "Nightwing this is Agent Orange and Miss Krill." Dick raised his an eyebrow at Agent. Dick was not happy at all that Barbara would invite strangers to the Cave. He had a pretty good idea her reasoning, Carrie. The reason why he didn't know. "Nice to meet you Agent and Miss Krill. I would like to speak to my friend Carrie alone." He emphasized alone. Dick then led Carrie away from the others.

"We can wait for Carrie to come back or I can start with with Abigale. Before you say yes or no let me show you the equipment. That way you have an informed choice." She rolled over to some equipment. "First I will start with a blood sample, depending on the results. We can do a number of another tests." She pointed out a series of medical machines including but not limited to a MRI machine and CT Scanner. "Bruce made sure to equip the Cave with everything he thought he might ever need, for us to use on ourselves or for victims, and even once on a villain. Alfred was not happy about that last one at all. Are there any you will have a problem with?"

Once they were alone Dick hugged Carrie. "I'm so glad to see you are alive. I wish Bruce was around to see it too." Dick became really serious. "Are they forcing you to do anything against your will? If so just let me know as soon as Kate is here we can do something about them."

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