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Wagons East
Posted byPosted: Oct 22, 2024, 7:59pm
"We have sent people by land to the nearest members of the Lords' Alliance to war them and so they can send reinforcements. We have sent most to patrol and kill any Mind Flayer that they see. Your group is being sent to the members of the Alliance at the furthest distances." General Tullam leads them to a map.
As Arc and Luna look at the map they see the path they need to take to achieve their mission. Luna seemed content with the information. However Arc was shocked by what he saw. Luckily his skull face was hidden behind his helmet as his jaw dropped open as he saw something very disturbing. The map he was looking at looked nothing like his homeland. In fact he didn’t recognize any places or features on the map. He was feeling like a fish out of water at this point. He looked down at Luna who seemed okay with what she was seeing. Despite wanting to panic, Arc kept his cool and continued to listen.
"You'll need to go to Neverwinter, Yardar, Longsaddle, Mirabar, Mithral Hall, & Silverymoon. I also suggest you go in that order but you can go in any order that makes sense to you. Also, visit any Underdark settlements you come across along the way such as Menzorranzan near Silverymoon. If you don't have any questions the sergeant will show to a wagon you can use. Your construct will have to walk."
Arc and Luna looked at Demonsbane the construct who would be walking because of their weight. Seeing as there were around twenty people on the team they decided to do a quick introduction and explain their professions head before they headed towards the wagons. Once they were ready they decided to head to their first destination. It was going to be an uncomfortable ride since the wagons were packed even though Demonsbane was walking next to them.