The Ice Breaker

Upon arrival at the castle, you see refugees from Baldur's Gate and the surrounding areas. The refugees are practically taking over the city. They are all begging for money or food.

Arc looked at the refugees on the way to the castle. It reminded him of his past war campaigns. Luna saw Arc staring at the refugees and told him that things were real bad with the Mind Flayers laying waste to the territory. Arc sighed as he replied that the price of war was always to big.

Anyone looking to combat the Mind Flayer menace is led into the castle in groups of ten or fewer. Eventually, you find yourself being led into the castle. Your group consists of a Paladin in white armor of indeterminate species, a Dark Elf, a Tiefling, a human dhampyr, and a Warforged.

Arc and Luna looked at the other groups entering the castle to sign up for work. It was a bit of a wait as the other groups slowly entered the castle. When Arc and Luna were grouped up with some other members and it seemed like they were female which Arc found a bit easier for him since he didn’t have to bathe with anyone.

Before you stands a man in a general's uniform, he looks over your group. His expression is impossible to read.

Arc stood proudly as a paladin since he recalled serving his kingdom in the past despite so hazy parts. Luna seemed a bit nervous as she tried not to look the general in the eyes. Then Arc spoke up, “Greetings good sir I am Sir Arc the paladin. What type of work are ye needing?”


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