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View character profile for: Seele Rominoff

View character profile for: Lyle

View character profile for: Hilda
Captured By Darkness
“I’m sorry," he whispered to Seele keeping his gun trained on the creature.
Anger boiled in her blood and Seele started shooting at the creature. It turned as the shots struck, roaring toward them both as blood spilled from the fresh wounds. “FUCK YOU!” Seele screamed as she used every bullet in her revolver.
“It's dead” Lyle told her placing a hand on her shoulder.
Seele was breathing heavily as she reloaded the revolver. “We should check the other rooms.” Pulling from his hole, she left the room and headed down the hall.
Lyle nodded and followed after her feeling worried about what they'll find.
In another room they found more corpses, mostly eaten. It was the same in each room they visited, but Seele was sure it couldn’t have all been that same monster. There had to be more. “Who would do this?” She asked.
“Do you think it was Thrane?” He asked checking around the last room.
“Maybe…” Seele said, grimacing.
“We should head somewhere safe for the night” Lyle replied looking out the windows.
“Ye-” Seele began when the darkness began to spill all around them both. It engulfed them, wrapped them in a mass so thick not even gunshots could pierce it.
“There you are,” A whispery voice cooed. “I finally found you two…”
“Who are you” Lyle growled trying to find the source of the voice.
An elegant woman formed from the darkness and stepped around the pair as tendrils wrapped around them, holding them. It would keep them from moving. “I'm here to take you both home…you support metas.” She said with a smile that soon formed a frown. “My name is Hilda and I need you two to be quiet because I’m only going to explain things once.”
“were you responsible for all this?” Lyle growled struggling against the tendrils.
“No, that’s Thrane’s work.” Hilda waved a hand. “Listen, there’s a man you know, Lyle…a man often referred to as Unknown. Find him and mention Amihan. I can’t let Seele go with you. It would be suspicious if you both ‘escaped’ me, so do this…and I’ll try to keep your girlfriend here safe.” She said.
“You're not taking her to that rape cult” Lyle replied.
“That’s not yours to decide.” Hilda blew a strange dust into his face that would instantly knock Lyle out. “Guess that means you’ll come with me too.” With her dark tendrils, she picked up both Lyle and Seele, taking them to Amihan…
Lyle slumped in her grasp. His last thoughts before he passed out being of Seele and wanting to protect her.