Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seele Rominoff

View character profile for: Skorn

View character profile for: Lyle

View character profile for: Duuk

View character profile for: Doron

View character profile for: Jasper Valentra
Bang Bang Boom Boom Yeah!
Duuk punched Jasper’s face on his blind side so he could not see it coming and brace himself. “Chain this weakling to the post.” He ordered. “Get my best whip.”
Jasper took the hit and stumbled, but stayed on his feet. He never showed any real weakness in front of Duuk, despite being called a weakling. Spitting out blood, he turned his glare back to the man.
“Keep it up and I’ll blow out your other eye.” Duuk threatened as some of his men grabbed Jasper to drag him to the post.
Jasper looked away. He kind of liked being able to see. Knowing that fighting was futile, he let the men drag him to the post to tie him up. It was a mental war preparing for what was to come…
Lyle watched before looking to try to spot Seele but seeing she was already taken away.
Jasper’s shirt was torn off and he was whipped until his back was bloody.
Jasper took all the pain and suffering, telling himself it was worth it for Taw…
Duuk only stopped whipping Jasper after blood ran from his back and soaked his pants. “What do you want with Taw anyways? She’s too powerful for a weakling like you.”
Jasper shuddered in pain but never answered, unable to explain why. He simply loved Taw and wanted to see her happy no matter what. He didn't care if he was weak compared to her so long as she and her baby got to live a happy life.
“Should get you castrated and put with the baseline slaves.” Duuk said, but was interrupted by the announcement.
Jasper groaned in pain as his wounds began to sizzle and heal. It was always just as painful to heal as it was to be injured. Turning his head, he looked toward the speaker. “Who was that?” He groaned.
“None of your concern.” Duuk said, kicking Jasper in the head.
Jasper grunted and went limp.
Duuk left Jasper where he lay and went to fight the invaders.
Meanwhile Doron dragged Lyle to the basement prison, chaining him to one of the walls.
“I’ll be fucking that pink haired slut while you’re getting cut.” Doron spat at Lyle.
Lyle chuckled watching him leave. “I'll be forcing you to eat your own nuts soon enough”
Doron let Lyle check out his ass as he left the basement.
Doron then went to the Amihan brothel, AKA where the female baseline slaves were kept. Being so high ranking he had no problem going wherever he wanted, which right now was Seele's little room. He leered as he closed the door behind himself. “You know the drill, clothes off and get on the bed.”
Static could be heard over the pa system across the base as someone hijacked. “GOOD MORNING AMIHAN” a voice could be heard imitating Robin Williams. “ It's a beautiful day outside and with no traffic but enough about the weather. Let's get to entertainment. Now you're probably wondering who I am and to be honest so am but something tells me a pretty little lady does. What i can tell you is that single and ready to mingle, ex special forces, and armed with enough firepower to take over a small country. So here's the deal i'm coming to take my friends. Get them out of here for a pizza party. Anyone wants to join me can free too and anyone wanting to get in the way….” A gun cocking could be heard “gets a free trip to hell on and to speedy out I got plenty of banana peels so sit this one out. And now some music”
“Did you have to do that?” Was the last thing heard before the music began.
An explosion could be heard as the speakers blared pop music.
“Fuck!” Doron cursed and charged out, preparing for battle yet again.
Seele had never been so happy to hear an explosion before…
Lyle laughed in his cell and he started to break out of it again.