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View character profile for: Gelf

View character profile for: Sorley Millward
Date Night (Pt 1)
Gelf stretched as she got out of bed and started her day very early. She had taken the past month to prepare her farm and get it up and running. Not only did she have a large amount of land, she kept it well hidden within a safe forested area. There was a pond nearby and had her barn and both houses, plus the little shack up the small mountainous area.
The best part was that she’d gotten Skorn to live in the second house, so he was able to help out around the farm. It was also nice to have someone around to keep an eye on the animals when she went out on her dates with Sorley, too.
Speaking of said water user, she believed it was about time to move their relationship a little forward now. They had finally begun to hold hands and sit closer to each other, but she thought it was time they moved on to something a little intimate.
A kiss.
That was her goal for today's date!
Grabbing up her phone, she sent Sorley a good morning text and got herself ready for the day.
Sorley woke up to the text from Gelf. He beamed as he read it. After a month he was beginning to think that she really did like him, but still believed that she could do better. “Good morning!” Sorley texted back. “How are you this morning?” he went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He had gotten in the habit of creating beautiful water sculptures from the shower and sending a picture to Gelf. This morning’s water sculpture was very complex and had a lot of cats and hearts.
Gelf loved every single picture Sorley sent her, always impressed with his creativity. “I'm doing good. The farm is all set up and I'm about to get to work, but I'll be ready for our date tonight! How are you?” She texted back after her shower and got all dressed.
“I’m good.” Sorley texted back after his own shower, which was very quick because of his powers. He had been doing well, fitting in with the Underground better than he had fit in just about anywhere. He had not picked any fights there either. It paid much better than McDonalds ever would. And of course, he was dating this perfect, beautiful woman. “I’m looking forward to our date.”
Gelf stared at the text and was happy Sorley could not hear her silly giggle of joy. Meeting Sorley had felt like heaven and the past month brought out a strong part of her that believed in mating for life. “So am I!” She texted back and sent a video of herself making a peace sign with Herbert and Carla behind her. They seemed to know what was going on because they looked at the camera with her.
Sorley got his goofy smile. He loved seeing her, he only wished she was here now, this very second. He carefully tucked his phone into his pocket and left his room to get to work on the Undergound’s plumbing.
Gelf would get to work on the farm most the day and eventually got ready for the date. She made sure to dress in a cute powder blue dress, some white tights, and her best matching blue high heels when she arrived at their usual meeting place.
Sorley was dressed in a nice blue shirt that matched blue eyes and khaki pants. His hair was combed back and he was freshly shaven. He smiled when he saw Gelf and offered her a bouquet of wild flowers he had picked himself.