Betting and brawling

Lisara was in bed waiting for Silvyr Shyrrik to come back with some food. She got a notification on her communicator. "Ooooh. Another mud man fight. Silvyr is going to love this." She accessed his floor-to-ceiling monitor. She changed the display from rolling hills to the fight. It started just as Silvyr returned. "Is that the mud monster? No way he will win against a Stinge." Lisara laughed. "Oh really? Let's make a bet. I'll do that thing you like if he looses. You buy the fuel for my ship." Silvyr slapped her on the ass. "You got it."

Piya spent her entire shoreleave at a casino. She was losing big time. She even bet the ship and lost. Then the fight came on. The local oddsmaker didn't know what to do with the mud monster, they gave the mud monster extremely low odds of winning.

Piya made another bet with someone else using the ship as collateral. If her hunch was correct she would make enough off this bet to pay everyone back. When the mud monster first went down she was about to bolt when a security guard put his hand on her shoulder to keep her from doing what she was planning. Then the mud monster got back up and finished the fight. Piya was overjoyed to the point of actually causing her heart to skip several beats repeatedly. She collected her winnings and began paying off everyone she owed. She used the last of her winnings to buy some stuff for the ship.

Vroo had finished making some purchases and collecting contact info for making purchases in advance. She stopped by a sports bar that was playing the fight with the mud monster. Damn! They were able to capture a Moltin. That's fucking hard to do. I would love to know how they did that. After the fight was over some people who made bets and lost were trying to escape without paying which started a fight that led to a bar-wide brawl. Vroo took cover under a table. One person was knocked unconscious and landed right by her. She pulled him in under the table with her and began to feed on him.

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