Sad doctor

Vroo got up and sat on her lower legs. She was intrigued. "Could I see a picture of your sister?" Bob displayed a holographic projection of the picture Talerian had. She studied the projection for a moment. "Hmmm?" She rubbed her chin for a minute. Then her eyes went wide. "I know her. She was a patient of mine on my last ship the Stellar Flare. The Stellar Flare was a shitty ship that wasn't useful for long hauls but he took a long-haul job last minute hauling passengers in cryo. Half of the staff was fired because the ship was going to be run on a rotating skeleton crew. My last official task on that ship was to give all the passengers a medical exam to ensure they were fit for long-term cryo. Nothing odd about that per se. The odd part was the employer insisted on a guard being in the medbay at all times and some of them were dealing with severe anxiety. I assumed the anxiety was due to fears about going in cryo or not seeing family. Your sister was extremely healthy only a minor infection that was spreading like wildfire on the planet at the time. It was easily cleared up. She was a lovely girl, sad. I chalked that up to being conflicted about leaving home and possibly never seeing her friends and family again."

She hesitated to bring up the next part. "I was told they the first wave of a new colony being set up on a newly discovered habitable planet in a remote area. Another ship was going to bring supplies. My last patient seemed very afraid, I tried talking to him but the guard rushed him out of there. I brought up my concerns with the captain and voiced my suspicions that his employers were not on the up and up. After filing all the medical reports I was fired without warning." She knew what questions to expect next. "Before you ask. I have no clue where they were going and even if I did I have a feeling that it would have been a lie."

The entire time Vroo talked she wouldn't look at Talerian. She was ashamed she didn't do something back then. "I'm sorry. I should have done something."

The Stellar Flare:

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