Vroos Clues

She hesitated to bring up the next part. "I was told they the first wave of a new colony being set up on a newly discovered habitable planet in a remote area. Another ship was going to bring supplies. My last patient seemed very afraid, I tried talking to him but the guard rushed him out of there. I brought up my concerns with the captain and voiced my suspicions that his employers were not on the up and up. After filing all the medical reports I was fired without warning." She knew what questions to expect next. "Before you ask. I have no clue where they were going and even if I did I have a feeling that it would have been a lie."

Talerian's face turned white as he heard the news. He almost lost his balance for a moment as his heart sank in a moment of despair. He was upset he missed that window of opportunity. He didn't blame the doctor for her lack of action since she would have gotten killed if she did. Talerian knew he was dealing with some dangerous scumbags and planned on blasting a hole in all their heads for taking his sister away from him and killing his parents. He took a deep breath a few times to regain his composure before he looked at B.O.B. and said, "First chance you get look up the ship called the "The Stellar Flare" and find out everything you can about past trips, check ins, crew, contracts and any affiliations they may have. As criminals they will have a limited way to do illegal business and limited business partners." B.O.B. replied, "Affirmative Master. I will check with the ships computer and any other kiosks we come by on our way."

The entire time Vroo talked she wouldn't look at Talerian. She was ashamed she didn't do something back then. "I'm sorry. I should have done something."

Talerian sighed and shook his head no. He then replied, "If you did you would have been killed or worse. I am grateful for your information. Its the 2nd biggest lead I have had so far. The last lead ended up dead before I could find them. So thank you doc. I am grateful we have met. If by chance you find any more information that is useful please let us both know." Talerian was gesturing to B.O.B. when he was talking. Then Talerian felt bad for dumping his problems on the doctor so he asked, "Well now that I have burdened you with my troubles, feel free to ask for my help when the time comes. So other than helping you clean up is there anything else you need help with?"


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