High School Never Ends Pt. 1 (JP)

Nikolai drove towards the high school with a smile as he watched the road ahead. The van ran smoothly, meaning he didn’t have to rely on his cousins or leave extra early to ride his bike. It also meant he could go into town whenever he wanted. “Just need a social life now” he chuckled sadly. He was friendly to people but feared getting close due to his family’s duties. Often time he wondered how different life would be if he wasn’t part of the Silvers family. “Would my parents still be alive?” he asked himself “I just wish Lyle would tell me about them.”

In town is where Nikolai would most likely see the Roth twins walking across the road to the highschool. Lotus was elegant and moved as if the world could never stop her from getting what she wanted. It was the total opposite of her brother, Leon, who seemed to walk with caution and purpose. He had a serious look on his face and any time he spoke it came off as a grimace.

Upon noticing the car, Lotus looked toward it and instantly noticed Nikolai. She smiled and waved toward him.

Nikolai blushed as he saw Lotus wave at him. He always got along with the twins especially since Lyle worked with their mother and since they were all training to be Defenders. However it was also fairly obvious that the young Silvers was head over heels for her. Pulling over he rolled down the window “hey you two want a lift?”

“The school is right there, silly.” Lotus said, gesturing to the school building with a giggle. “See you inside?”

Leon, however, was very aware of Nikolai’s interest in his sister and stared at the blue haired teen. “Yeah, see you inside…” He grumbled in irritation.

Nikolai blushed in embarrassment and parked the van before catching up to her. “I could start giving you two a ride to and from school I know you have a bit of a walk to get here” he offered.

“The walk is healthy for us, though.” Lotus pointed out and looked at the van. “Besides, do you really think he’ll let you give me rides?” She gestured to Leon, who was glaring at Nikolai in that brotherly way.

Nikolai tried to give Leon a friendly smile “Oh ok then…..” he replied feeling a little dejected but quickly hid it “Well if the two of you ever need a lift somewhere just let me know I don’t mind helping.”

A little way down the street Tzeitel and Ami could be seen walking towards the school.

Leon stared at Tzeitel and Ami, finding it odd that the woman still walked her seventeen year old sister to school. He and Lotus had been walking on their own since they’d turned thirteen. Klaire had tried and offered to drive them, but nothing stopped traffic like a cop car. Plus, hopping out of that vehicle always made the twins very uncomfortable. He and Lotus had chosen to walk on their own with the promise of keeping up their training.

Lotus, however, didn’t let anything bother her. Going to Nikolai, she kissed his cheek and ran toward Ami and Tzeitel. “Hey!” She called out and pulled the other teen into a hug.

Nikolai froze as she kissed his cheek before blushing and touching it as he watched her run up to Ami.

“Hey!” Ami greeted, hugging Lotus back.

“Seeya later Ami.” Tzeitel said, continuing on her way to the gym.

Leon watched Tzeitel go on her way silently before joining his sister with Ami. “Hey,” He said calmly, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. For years now he’d had a small crush on the younger Nussbaum girl, but he never showed it. He was very good at keeping his cool and controlling his emotions. “Ready for our tests today?”

“I know I am.” Lotus chimed as she pulled out of the hug and tried to wave Nikolai over to them. “Come on, lets get into the building!”

Nikolai shook himself out of his stupor before catching up to Lotus “test shouldn't be a problem Alex makes sure I know the material” he replied before nodding to Ami.

“Yeah.” Ami had reabsorbed her textbook and class notes last night just to be sure. She wondered if she could score higher than Lotus on this test. She had spent more time pretending to sleep than actually sleeping last night. “Hey, Nik.” was Nikolai blushing? Ami jogged with the others into the school

“Hey Ami” he replied staying close to Lotus “you doing alright?”

Ami nodded. She was well enough. Tzeitel’s nightmares were nothing new. She could only guess what they were about. She had not asked Tzeitel about them since she was a little kid and could not absorb from Tzeitel like she could from other people, which was weird. They were so close. “How’s everyone?”

“I’m okay, but mom is stressed.” Lotus replied with an eye roll. “The car is making this annoying noise again and she’s not looking forward to the bill when she takes it to the mechanic. Not that Mr. Brown will charge her much. The dude is in love with her.” She giggled as they stepped into the school.

Leon shrugged. “I’m fine.” He replied and looked at Ami, noticing how tired she seemed. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I didn't sleep a lot. Tzeitel was having nightmares.” Ami admitted.

Leon frowned, having heard this before. “Why not get those noise canceling headphone things?” He suggested.

Nikolai leaned closer to Lotus “if you guys need help around the house with anything let me know.”

“I ordered a pair last week, I just…” Ami kept them fully charged hanging from a hook on her desk. Ami had asked Tzeitel about her nightmares when she was little. Tzeitel’s face had turned red and she told her she did not need to know. For years Ami had assumed Tzeitel’s nightmares had been about their parents, but a few years ago she listened to Tzeitel having a nightmare and it did not sound like it was about their parents. Ami asked her about them again and Tzeitel still refused to talk about them. So Ami had been trying to figure them out for herself. She did not understand why she could not absorb from Tzeitel like she could with everyone else, in most ways Ami was closer to Tzeitel than anyone, Tzeitel was practically her mother. “I want to know what they’re about.”

“When would we need help around the house?” Lotus seemed confused by his words. “Mom has everything set up and the dogs have easy access for getting in and out of their dog house in the backyard.” The ‘dog house’ in question was basically a second house built for the dogs that shockingly stayed clean thanks to the visits Dolly made weekly. Klaire had put in a lot of money for those dogs. They kept everyone safe.

Leon shifted in place. “Your sister’s dreams?” He asked Ami.

Ami nodded, her face turning pink. “I want to help her.”

“Right umm nevermind” Nikolai replied feeling embarrassed “why is talking to her so hard. But monster hunting comes easy” He thought to himself before hearing what Ami was talking about. “Have you tried just entering her dreams?”

“Er…” Ami's blush deepened. She had tried something similar, touching Tzeitel to absorb the nightmare. But like every time she tried absorbing anything from Tzeitel it did not work. Ami did not understand why there was a block with Tzeitel. She could read anyone else's dreams with a touch.

Stepping into the school, they would be in time for the first bell telling everyone to run for their lockers. “See you guys in class!” Lotus chimed as she grabbed Leon by the arm and pulled him along toward their lockers.

Nikolai waves to Lotus as she leaves, a light blush on his face.

Nikolai [I]was[/I] blushing. It was over Lotus. Ami smiled slightly as she went to her locker, opening the combination lock with muscle memory and grabbing the books she barely needed after absorbing them all already.

The second bell rang after almost everyone made it to class. Lotus was already in her seat, looking over her notes one last time as her brother just sat there with a bored expression on his face. The tests would be easy for the twins.

The day, however, would be a bore.

Ami took her seat and touched her notes to refresh her memory.

Nikolai took his, going over the notes in his head.

< Prev : Morning in the Nussbaum Apartment Next > : Carrot Cake, Coffee, And Cases Pt 1 (JP)