Morning in the Nussbaum Apartment

Tzeitel held a protein shake in her right hand and flipped her (closed) switchblade with her left hand absently. Thanks to nightmares she had been awake for hours. At least she had not woke Ami, the teen was still fast asleep every time Tzeitel checked in on her. The first time Tzeitel checked on her Ami’s bedside reading lamp was still on, a notebook on her chest and a pen on the floor. Tzeitel put the notebook and pen on Ami’s nightstand, tucked her in, smoothed back her hair, turned off the light and tiptoed out of the room.

Tzeitel had checked on Ami while she slept every night since she rescued her. Tzeitel remembered the first night after she got Ami. Ami was so skinny and covered in bruises, seeing the marks made Tzeitel want to go back and kill her parents. But that would have meant either taking Ami with her back to her parents or leaving Ami behind somewhere and Tzeitel knew of no safe place to leave the kid. The best Tzeitel could do was take Ami with her to the safest alley she could find. They huddled together under cardboard. Tzeitel was surprised by how quickly Ami had fallen asleep, all the excitement had exhausted her. Or she finally felt protected.

Ami’s door popped open and Ami came out, backpack on her shoulders, wearing a t-shirt and comfortable jeans. Tzeitel smiled, she was so proud of her little sister. She was the smartest person Tzeitel had ever met and was going to go far.

“Good morning.” Tzeitel slipped her switchblade into her pocket. “I made eggs.” Tzeitel pulled the frying pan from the oven where the eggs were being kept warm.

“‘Morning.” Ami grimaced at Tzeitel’s protein shake and went to the toaster

Tzeitel ignored the grimace and fixed up two plates. She gave Ami two eggs while only keeping one for herself. She also made sure that Ami’s plate had plenty of bacon and a freshly rinsed apple before putting some bacon and an apple on her own plate. She set the plates on the table as Ami brought the toast. Ami’s fingers were stained with blue and black ink. She was always writing things down and making sketches in her many notebooks. They sat down at the table.

“What’re you doing at school today?” Tzeitel asked as she buttered her toast.

“I get to start off with a test.” Ami said.

“I’m sure you’ll ace it.” Tzeitel never asked Ami if she studied, she was always going to the library and got straight A’s.

Ami nodded.

When they finished eating, Tzeitel walked with Ami to school on her way to the gym.

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