Carrot Cake, Coffee, And Cases Pt 1 (JP)

Juno sat at the table in the Station’s breakroom a happy smile plastered to her face as she looked down at the slice of carrot cake in from of her. While some may have thought it hilarious for a bunny girl to love carrot cake, those who knew what she was were wise enough to keep their mouth shut due to seeing her deliver kicks power enough to shatter concrete on multiple occasions. Like Klaire she wore a necklace to hide her ears and tail. Unlike her coworker however, she chose to wear pants instead of a skirt although the pants did hug her curves, not that anyone was brave enough to point it out lest they fear a kick to the groin like one stupid rookie suffered last year when he tried to flirt her at the bar after their shift and got a little too handsy. Shaking unpleasant thoughts aside she dug into the large slice and smiled as she savored it.

Arriving at the station, Klaire soon walked inside and would instantly make her way to the coffee pot. She poured herself a fresh cup of coffee and sipped it with a sigh. Turning her gold eyes to Juno, she offered a slight smile. “Morning,” She said and glanced at the doorway to the breakroom as a pair of officers walked by. They were pulling along a familiar man that she instantly knew was not their local mechanic. For one, he didn’t wear the usual coveralls, and two, he never had the amount of tattoos his twin did. “Looks like your boyfriend is visiting again.”

“I swear at this point I'm starting to believe your daughter's conspiracy theory that he is only doing this to see me” She washed some of her cake down with coffee. “Speaking of how are the twins today?”

“They’re teenagers,” Klaire said as she brushed a lock of hair out of her face. “They’re as good as any teenagers training to be Defenders can be. Leon is more interested in his training than Lotus. I feel like she’ll be on the science division behind the Supernaturals and what attracts them to this town.” Taking another sip of her coffee, she closed the door so Jaxon couldn’t see Juno just yet. “You know, you’ll probably be the one having to speak to him, right? He refuses to speak for anyone else.”

Juno sighed as a pouty look appeared on her face as she shoveled cake into her mouth. “Yeah and then they're gonna make me do all the paperwork for him only to get let out with warning. Why is he the only one interested in me be honest Klaire am I ugly? Because ever since I kicked that rookie in nuts for grabbing my ass at the bar it seems like I'm the plague to every man in town.”

“Men don’t exactly want a woman to kick their ass.” Klaire explained before drinking the rest of her coffee. Putting the mug in the sink, she headed for the door. “You’re adorable, they all love you, but they all don’t want to die.”

Juno sighed and washed her plate and mug before following “I better get going then oh and Lyle wanted to see you” she replied before heading to the interrogation room where Jaxon was being held. “Ok Juno you can do this” she whispered to herself before entering the room.

Hearing that, Klaire made her way to Lyle’s office.

In the interrogation room, Jaxon leaned back in his seat and was smoking a cigarette. They’d learned long ago that letting him smoke kept him calm and he was far more compliant. He looked toward the camera in the corner as he blew out smoke. “I didn’t even do a damn thing this time…” He muttered just before the door opened.

A smile instantly formed on the pyro’s face. “Hello, Miss Juno.” He said in a calm tone and put out his cigarette in the ashtray. He never liked blowing smoke toward her, so he always put out his cigarettes when she was in the room, even if he was itching to finish it.

“It’s officer” she corrected in an irked tone as she took a seat across from him “You know while I wouldn’t mind you visiting me at work I would prefer you do it without involving handcuffs.”

“I got arrested for nothing this time, Officer.” He chimed in his usual chill tone. “Was just walking to work. Got arrested for apparently jaywalking or something.” He shrugged and offered her that half smile of his. “Besides, you never answer the letters I leave ya.”

“Letters?” Juno asked before an irritated look appeared on her face and she slammed her hands on the table “will you excuse me for one second.” Getting up Juno exited the room as yelling and things getting thrown around could be heard.

Jaxon looked confused as she left and just leaned back in his seat. “I miss somethin’?” He wondered out loud as dots started to connect. Had she not been getting his letters?

Ten minutes later Juno entered the room again fixing her uniform before sitting back down “sorry I had to have a chat about people messing with my mail.” she apologized as she tried to calm down.

Jaxon tilted his head to the side and chuckled. “I heard the yelling, but couldn’t make out about what,” He said with a friendly tone and rolled his shoulders. “So…? What am I being charged with? I’m gonna end up late to work at this rate and my brother has been getting onto me about that…” James had been getting fed up with him always being late and the one day he left early to make it on time he got arrested for jay walking.

“You're not” She replied moving over to him to undo the cuffs. As much as Juno liked to play matchmaker there were those that liked to turn the tables on her. “Chalk it to a misunderstanding. Now come on, I'll drop you off and explain things to that brother of yours.”

“You sure?” He asked as he rubbed at his wrists and got to his feet. Unlike James, Jaxon didn’t have a single tattoo on his body. He wore his scars like they were his tattoos in all honesty. “So, did you not get my letters I usually leave here for you?”

“No I didn't so you can give me the cliff notes in the car” she replied grabbing his wrist and dragging him along.

Jaxon let her pull him along, raising an eyebrow as they went. It was comical for a short woman like her to be pulling along man that stood at six feet tall.

Juno pulled him to the car despite her size. The hidden bunny girl packed quite the punch, something many learned the hard way. Sitting down in the car she waited for him to get into the passenger seat before driving off.

Getting in the car, Jaxon buckled up. “So, since you haven’t gotten my letters, I gotta make myself ask in person…can I take you out to dinner sometime?”

Juno was silent momentarily as she started to drive “That depends I’ve got ground rules that I expect you to follow.”

“What are those ground rules?” Jaxon asked in reply.

< Prev : High School Never Ends Pt. 1 (JP) Next > : A Dog And Her Friends Pt. 1 (JP)