Olin's Handler - Part 1

“You know your father wouldn’t approve of the company you’re keeping,” Varan sniped when Olin stepped back into the Penthouse. Varan was already arranging for the cleaning service to swap the beds heets and steam the mattress by text.

“Is that speculation or fact? Please say fact.” Olin said pouring himself another coffee. “You were joking about the schedule today right?”

“You know how difficult it is to connect with the Lee family,” Varan practically scolded. “And how difficult it was to find a meeting time that worked for them as well as your father. Business doesn't stop because it’s the weekend.” She busied herself wiping down the counters as they spoke.

“A simple ‘Yes’ would have been fine.” Olin said innocently as he sipped.

“Yes.” She chuckled, “You need to shower and wash off your latest one night conquest, I’ll make sure she didn’t leave anything ‘accidentally’ that she’ll need to return for later in case the meeting with your father runs long.”

“So bossy.” He teased. “If she did let me know. I would love to turn one night into two.” Olin grinned draining his cup and putting it in the sink before sauntering upstairs to shower. “Do I have to wear a suit or can I look like a classy human being who’s managed to retain their soul?”

“I belive you left your soul on the nightstand with that girl’s panties,” Varan said in a mocking tone. “Suit up.”

“Jokes on you Varan you can’t wear panties with those pants!” Olin called out from the bathroom.

“I’ll schedule a physician visit!” Varan replied with a shake of her head.

“Why are we going to Africa again? Arn’t I still vaccinated?” He shouted over the sound of the shower.

“If only!” Varan called back. “I can arrange for a nice trip abroad. It’s been a while since you’ve been home.”

“Why is everyone back home? Is it a reunion? I’m doing a family reunion again!” Olin said pausing mid-shower for the much-anticipated answer.

“More like a reintroduction to society,” Varan corrected. “Your peers. Not this low class, no income, whatever you want to call it. How close are your wild oats to being sown?”

“I am in society Varan, I participate in society all the time and I call them people.” Olin said taking his turn to chide Varen. “It's why I like them so much because at the rave no one gives a shit who you are or where you are from because we're all out to just a good together. It’s the great equalizer. You should try it. You might actually have fun.” He said with a dramatic gasp a towel around his waist.

It was easy to see why girls threw themselves at him, she thought with another shake of her head. “No one cares who you are, or where you’re from? You don’t think your family’s fortune has anything to do with it?”

“I notice how you avoided the fun aspect of the question.” Olin smirked. “I mean it's pretty obvious when I throw the party but an off-beat rave? No one knows who the hell I am. And I like it that way.”

“Your father won’t approve of that either,” she informed him.

“Which tells me it’s exactly where I should be.” Olind said as he took his time getting dressed, specifically avoiding any sort of ties.

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