Olin's Handler - Part 2

Olin dressed in a monochromatic suit, which was both business and aloof, in short, it fit his personality as well as it fit his body. Like the majority of his clothing, it was tailored to his measurements.

“I still contend she was using you for your money,” Varan said, holding out a gold watch to accessorize. “Mark my words, you’ll see her in 9 months with Olin Jr. in tow. I do hope you were smarter than that.”

“A gentleman never kisses and tells. But yes, obviously.” Olin paused thoughtfully. “It would be a cute baby no?”

“Multi-colored hair and tattoos?” Varan asked with raised eyebrows. “Your father has designs on you marrying into Haneul Corp or Norrsken Enterprises.”

Olin laughed. “Right after hell freezes over because there aren't enough drugs on the planet. Isn't that what older siblings are for? I might take this as more of a personal challenge now!”

“Many children, many mergers,” Varan reminded him.

“Then he can have another…” Olin said, straightening his collar. “... Maybe the next one will be better. I doubt it. But he can hope.”

“He only wants what’s best for you,” Varan reminded him.

“No, he wants what is best for the family because what's best for the family is what's best for him. He keeps his children jockeying to be his favorite so none of them get the idea to usurp him.” Olin said dryly. “So I don't play and he doesn't like that.”

“What’s best for the family is what’s best for you. Penthouses, travel, lap of luxury, your own personal valet - those aren’t things you should want to trade away so freely. Especially the Valet,” she added, in a more lighthearted tone.

“I never said I didn't like those perks and would trade them away so easily. I just don't like playing reindeer games and the fact they tell me, not ask me.” Olin said, fixing his hair. “My point is, I have a mind of my own and I intend on using it more than to pander to one man's ambition.”

“I’m not asking you to pander. I’m asking you to consider that your actions will have consequences,” Varan warned.

“I do consider my actions but you can't make a square peg fit into a round hole.” Olin paused. “That was unintentionally sexual.” He admitted. “I do understand that actions have consequences. So make a choice and know the consequences. I do them because they are worth it. I know if as long as the family sees some value in me they'll keep me around. I may bitch and moan but I am still the family scarab which is why they keep me around.”

“Everything with you is unintentionally sexual,” Varan said dryly.

“What can I say? I can't help being amazing.” Olin's jokes with a smile. “So … video conference?” He said, fixing his sleeve as he headed downstairs. “I get to do it here in the comfort of my own home right? Not the dreary and stuffy office that looks like it was decorated by someone's aristocratic grandfather.”

“Use a background,” Varan instructed.”I don’t think your party guests left a space in here untouched.”

“It was a big party.” Olin admitted with a smile. “The place needed to be cleaned anyway.” He said brushing it aside. “Fabulous, let's get this over and done with so I can move on to things I would rather be doing.” He said with a clap.

“I’m sure you’ll have a gaggle of things you’d rather be doing on your doorstep by sundown,” Varan chuckled. “I’ll put the names of everyone on your screen to involve any embarrassment during the meeting. We don’t want a repeat of the Fjordhagen incident.”

“That man's name was unpronounceable, and impossible to remember. He also suspiciously had the same background as the other guy. I maintain that he still wasn't wearing pants.” Olin defended

“You make sure you are,” Varan warned again. “I’ll do damage control later, make sure word of your promiscuity doesn’t leak to anywhere important.”

“Please, it is not even the worst thing I or anyone else has done. You know as well as I do most of the time a heated accusation is actually an admission.” Olin pointed out more than pleased with himself.

“You can say that again,” Varan agreed under her breath. “That being said, I’m not in charge of their image. I’m in charge of yours. And if I want to continue collecting my paycheck, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

“That's why you’re paid the big bucks. At least I hope you are. Don't worry the next party I throw won't be at home.” Olin said crossing his heart

“It won’t do me any good to discuss how your father disapproves of those as well, will it?” Vaaran asked, genuine hope in her voice.

“Sure it will! It would encourage me to out do the party before, at least then I know I have his attention! Brilliant idea Varan.” Olin chortled.

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