Skye Life - You don't Know Me

Vas didn’t know what to do, everything was hurting and he would likely do more damage putting up a fight, he would have run but Serena was latched on pretty hard so right now his options were limited to possibly throwing random objects if he had to.

Mathias, with bloodshot eyes, was regretting all his life choices at the moment. His body was protesting heavily regarding the state of the sofa. He more or lest roll off to the floor. It was debatable if it was an improvement or not. He shuffled over looking smudged and irritated. “Do you need to use the bathroom.” Mathias drawled.

“What? No,” Cyd answered stepping aside.

Mathias reached past her and closed the bathroom door. “Problem solved for a least four hours.” He said shuffling back and looking at the state of his couch, the dip in the middle obvious. He opted for the lazy boy. Mathias needed sleep this constant broken sleep was really starting grind him down. He didn't even get the benefit of a shower yet and now he had to repair the couch if he wanted anything close to mimicking what a bed might feel like.

“For fuck’s sake, go sleep in my room,” Cyd told him. She already missed the peace and quiet of the Penthouse, the feel of the sheets with an insane thread count, Olin beng next to her. “You look half a step away from ending up in a bathtub full of ice yourself.”

“Can’t, if do i’ll remember what sleeping is real bed is like and it's hard to come back from that.” Mathias said in a joking tone. Though he wasn’t joking he was dead serious. “I’ve been up for like 26 some odd hours? And maybe 2 ish hours of sleep. I dunno I have no idea what time it is.”

Cyd let out an exasperated sigh. “You want a downer to help you sleep?” She asked.

“No, I’m burned out not spun. It was exactly the wrong time for all this this to go down. I pushed it and now I fell like hell and my day ain’t even done. Good night mean I have to hit up the lab and we are in dire need of antibiotics. Real antibotics. I know our neighbor means well but garlic and roadside flowers are not going to cut it. So it’s on my to do list.” Mathias yawned. “And I really need a shower. I can smell me.”

“You can’t shower. There’s a hobo in our tub.” Cyd reminded him, but talking to Mathias in this state would be like talking to a bowl of oatmeal - that’s what his brain was currently registering. “You go get some sleep. We’ll keep it quiet, one crisis at a time.”

“You get the next crisis, my card is filled up for the week.” Mathias said with a faint smirk trying to get comfortable.

“Promise,” Cyd told him, guilt gnawing at her stomach. She was so wrapped up in being with Olin, being happy, and things at home were… what they always were. “Get some sleep.”

Mathias was already out like a light. The lazy boy in comparison was way more comfortable at the moment but waking up with a kink somewhere in his back was just going to be an accepted fact at this point.

Serena tried to keep Vas sleeping too, the nanomites worked better when he rested.

Maybe. He was still dazed the past few minutes felt … surreal for some reason. “Do I have to go? Should I go?” He asked not sure if it was safe for him to stay. Vas knee he probably should be on the move but, not sure where to or why.

“No!” Serena insisted. “Please. I can’t believe you found me, I thought I’d never see you again. Cyd is just being Cyd.”

Vas opened his mouth and closed it again. “I know you?” He asked, looking as Serena intently struggling to see if any memory sparked.

“Yeah huh, sure do, you called me Rabbit, I was…” She lowered her voice, “an Erinyes.”

Vas looked at Serena as if she had spoken in a foreign language. “Is that French? I don't know French.”

Serena tilted her head. Maybe… maybe he wasn’t a hellhound. Or rather wasn’t her hellhound.

“Did I say something wrong?” Vas asked, trying to break the uncomfortable long silence.

“No,” she told him. “You should rest though. We can talk when you feel better. Sorry it’s in a tub. We don’t have a lotta room.”

Vas winced shifting under the blanket. “Okay …” he said with quiet obedience. He was still bone tired but was slowly feeling better, more with it each time he woke. He let a breath worry gawing at the edge of his mind. Vas has so many questions and no answer yet. Maybe when he woke up next like the girl, Serena said.

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