Skye Life - Strawberries

“A hundred credits!” Serena said from behind Mathias, as he turned down a sure-thing offer for credits.. “That’s a lotta money!”

“Depends, it sounds like a lot of money but really it’s not.” Mathias said looking Serena over. “Should I be worried, I feel like I should have brought my bat with me.”

“Pretty, right?” She asked, twirling for effect. “Olin said we will be elegant centerpieces,” she said with a sigh. “But if someone offers me 100 credits, I’m taking it.”

“Uh hu … 100 credit for what?” Mathias asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Does it matter?” Serena giggled. “A hundred credits for doing nothing”

“No one gets a 100 creds for nothing and yes it matters. First off her friend was so absolutely hustling her second it was about my worth and I am worth way more than a 100 creds.” Mathias snorted. “And so are you.”

“I’d use it to buy a new couch,” Serena decided.

“I don't think couches are a 100 credits. Sorry, are we having the same conversation?” Mathias said flatly.

Serena rolled her eyes. “Yes, they offered you 100 to play seven minutes in heaven, and couches are a lotta money,” she repeated back, to show she was listening. “And you’re worth more than 100 creds.”

“See. Now I feel better knowing you were paying attention. Also did I say you look nice. You look very nice.” Mathias chuckled with a pleasant smile.

“Right? Like an adult!” Serena said, unable to bounce on her toes because of the small heel on her sandal. “Chi Chi said she’d give me a makeover for the party. I didn’t tell you on account of I thought you’d say no.”

“Yea … I should have brought the bat.” Mathias said. It was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

Serena put her hands on her hips. “I can take care of myself, Mathias. ‘Sides, there’s only one boy at this party I definitely wouldn’t say no to, an’ you wouldn’t take a bat to him,” she said, looking over her shoulder to where Olin was taking a glass of something from the table.

“Nono … I know you can take care of yourself. That's not the point and … wait aren't you a little not old enough to be …” Mathias makes a vague motion. “...boys and … stuff?”

Serena raised both eyebrows, tilting her head to look at him. “I’m sixteen,” she said flatly. “How old was Cyd, when she started sleeping with guys?”

“Go on and ask her. I'll watch.” Mathias said, ticking his head toward Cyd.

Serena crinkled her nose, watching her sister with her light up cat ears as she played whatever song Olin requested, even if it wasn’’t her usual set. “No thanks, she’s working, so unless I’m bleeding, I can figure it out.”

“Good choice. Keep making good choices.” Mathias encouraged passing out a couple of party favors. “So I don't have to hit anyone with a bat.”

Serena gave an exasperated sigh. “I’m gonna go be an elegant centerpiece,” she told him, looking around. “With Chi Chi until she finds someone with washboard abs to do laundry with. That’s what we’re calling it,” she clarified.

“Is that the new lingo for sex? The next generation isn't off to a creative start I see.” Mathias chuckled.

Serena stuck out her tongue juvenilely at her brother, a stark contrast to how ‘grown up’ she looked.

“Masterful point. Truly the pinnacle of conversation enders. Go. Be a centerpiece and know if there is any ‘doing laundry’ … I dunno I’ll commit a felony.” Mathias chuckled. “Cyd had the sex talk with you right?”

“Like three years ago,” Serena bragged. “When me an’ the boy from the city were making out under the craft tables. He never called me, by the way, and I know you had something to do with it,” she accused.

“I can neither confirm nor deny threats of bodily harm were made.” Mathias said innocently. “Oh look, strawberries!” He casually pointed to the buffet table.

“I love strawberries!” Serena said, unable to hop like a rabbit because of the kitten heels. How does Chi Chi do it!

“Works every single time.” Mathias said to himself with a smile as his phone vibrated with a message.

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