Cali Crew - Messaging Mathias

Nike ordered two pies, she and Bishop picked up drinks, then followed the directions to Klaus’ condo, right on the water. The condo had a small balcony and a rooftop terrace, but most importantly, it overlooked the lake. If you could call it a lake. It was man-made, and surrounded by a stone wall, exclusive for the use of the residents of New Athens.

Like Nike had said, the condo was still fully furnished, just the way she remembered it from a few years back. Leather sofa, recliner and large screen TV in the living room, and two bedrooms, One with three beds and small dressers, and the larger room with a Queen sized bed and double dresser. A lot of Klaus’ suits still hung in one of the closets, and it still faintly smelled of his cologne, even though he hadn’t been there in a few years. Nike thought he must’ve bathed in it.

“This is pretty nice … not the cologne smell, that's less nice.” Bishop said setting down the food in the kitchen.

“I gotta admit it is nice, but it’s no Cali Beach,” Nikka said looking out into the lake from the little balcony.

“Crime pays,” Nikita snarked, tossing out her bubblegum in favor of a big slice of gooey pizza.

"If you can get away with it, obviously." Nikka said upbeat, taking a slice. "Condo is still nice."

Nike held off on pizza in favor of a hot shower- with the rain forest shower head she remembered, that was a thousand times better than any half caked with hard water motel shower head that they’d passed. Besides, her stomach was still on left coast time, even with all the traveling, and her stomach told her it was only four in the afternoon.

By the time she was done the other had settled on the couch debating what movies to watch. Nike's phone on the other had a text waiting for her from Mathias.

<Well ain't you a blast from the past! Never thought you would mozey your way back to the east coast. We should hang. You still know how to rave?>

<Hell yeah, let me know where and when, then count on four more,> she texted back with a grin. <How’s Cyd, how’s Isaac?>

<Cyd DJ's now and books the time and place. Isaac is still Isaac. And we added on to the family, kid I found. We got a raver next Friday night, a nice one. I'll send you the details, I won't tell Cyd, it'll be an a great surprise.>

<Sweet. Staying at my dad’s condo on the lake. You should all come, hit the water after.>

<For sure. Never turn down beach time! It's a law. How long are you in town BTW?>

<Til things cool down in Cali. You know how it is.>

<Cool down? Be still my heart, did the goodie two shoes go bad in Cali?>

<If I said it was an accident, would you believe me?>

<Depends on the nature of this quote unquote accident.>

<It involves jumbo prawn.> She texted with a snicker. <Really. Jumbo. Prawn.>

<Hold on feel I like I'm going to need popcorn and soda. Okay so, prawn, extra large, sounds yummy.>

<Not when they’re attacking the beach. Now there’s a whole NIMBY thing, and we need to lay low.>

<No shit! Last I heard that wasn't a thing you or the you young sis did … you saying the littlest N got up to mischief? Is she talking after big sis?>

<Youngest sister, Nikka. I know, my dad had a thing for his name. Nikita is my middle sis.>

<I don't think I think you guys had left before she manifested but that kind of stuff is always welcomed.>

<Figure if anything weird happens, your clientele is usually pretty accepting…. Or wasted.>

<Both and we so would charge extra.>

Nike laughed out loud and shook her head. <It’ll be good to see you again. All of you,> she said after a bit.

<Same. Last I checked there were only three N's but you mention 4 folk ready to rave? Bringing a friend along I assume?>

<Bishop,> She texted, then added <We’ve been together about two years. Great guy, you’re all gonna like him.>

<Daw! Lucky guy. We'll be sure to show you all a good time. Nothing like a rave to blow off some steam and have place where PLUR trumps everything.>

<Hell yeah. See you tomorrow night. And if you can, watch out for both my little sis’. First rave for ‘em both.>

<Course! I got your back. Don't forget your Kandi! See you then. Send you the details tomorrow.>

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