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Character Serena

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Serena made a beeline for Chi Chi’s room, hopeful that she wasn’t asleep. She knocked on the door, then stood on her tiptoes to try and see in the peephole. “Be awake be awake, be awake,” she wished.

Chi Chi swung the door open. “You're here get in! I’ve been agonizing over stuff!” She said not waiting and dragging Serena in much like a spider would a fly. Normally Chi Chi places was mostly clean. As clean as a shoe box apartment could get but it looked like a tornado. The lone coffee table was full of sample-sized makeup and accessories and the modest thing that could pass for a couch had layers of clothing hanging off it and shoes littered the floor.

“Everything looks so amazing!” Serena said, wide eyed. Like everything in the Sprawl, nothing was new - but it looked as if it were thrifted from the city. Combined with Chi Chi’s creative sewing and penchant for making things sparkle, her studio apartment looked like a botique on inventory day. “I won’t remember later, so thank you Chi Chi! Thank you! I dunno how I’m gonna repay you.”

“You being silly. We’re sisters, there is no ‘repay’. We got each other back.” She said digging through piles. “Besides this is a super special occasion to boot!” She added grabbing seemingly random articles of clothing. “Now strip!! And start trying these on!”

Serena laughed, and did as she was told, modeling outfit after outfit, looking for the Chi Chi stamp of approval. Chi Chi was a professional at knowing what looked good, and what looked really good. There was nothing boring in her wardrobe whatsover. Serena used to wonder if even her pajamas were tight and sparkly, but Chi Chi just responded with a wink that she didn’t wear any. She definitely had the life!

Chi Chi clapped when she was finally satisfied. Serena was in an overly snug body suit with modest cutouts and bare legs. She added something Chi Chi said was a halter but it just looked like a string of glass beads and sparkly jewels that were in the vague shape of a halter top. She had a shrug with a feather on her shoulder and open-slitted bell sleeves. A string of silver bells made her waist look even smaller wrapped around her and a dramatic colorful bustle. Chichi agonized over shoes she chose a Romen style sandals with a modest lift the leather string wrapping all the way up to her knees. She then had a field day putting sticky back gems along Serena's legs and putting bold colors around her eyes. ChiChi hands moved fast working on her pigtails adding some temporary color and heavy, lazy curls giving the body. The effect made her look slim-waisted, long-legged, and in need of a catwalk. If Rave Wear had high fashion she looked it. She quickly nudged Serea in front of a mirror. “See! Rave, Haute couture, and trendy! You look my age now!”

“I do!” Serena giggled. “I look like I’m going to a fancy party in the City. If it wasn’t an Olin party, I’d say let’s go to one for real!”

“They are not as exciting as they sound.” ChiChi promised. As she started to put the finishing touches on her own outfit. “Boring music, tiny bits of food. I much rather have this kind of party. We can be more ourselves. And also … Olin.” She smiled wiggling her eyebrows.

“Is it just me, or does he get hotter every time you see him?” Serena asked in a conspiring voice. “And his accent!” She covered her smile without touching her face for fear of ruining Chi Chi’s make up.

“Omg the man ages like fine wine and I want a sip so badly.” Chi Chi said with a dramatic sigh. Passing Serena a backpack with her street clothes. ChiChi was a firm believer in backup and change-out after parties for a more comfortable walk home. Or if you ended up doing the walk of shame. “Promise you’ll slap me if I start to drool.”

“Promise,” Serena said. “An you promise if he asks me how old I am, you’ll agree I’m your age.”

“Pinkie promise!” ChiChi said holing out a pinkie.

Serena hooked it with hers and giggled. “Let’s go Rave On!” She said in a sing-song voice.

ChiChi squealed and they trotted out of the small apartment. The whole walk had people's heads turning. Not in the way someone turns seeing a Sprawler but when they see a model and wonder where the cameraman is. As ostentatious there clothing was … they fit right in the metropolitan heart of the city.

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