Penthouse - Hello, Olin!

Olin's place was on the top floor of a luxury apartment complex. The lobby was filled with marble and plush furniture, they even had cold water with vegetables floating inside it. You could even smell the money in the air.

ChiChi kept her head up determined not to gawked. She was dressed like she belonged and she was going to act like it! But once the elevator closed ChiChi couldn’t help was squeal. “Omagawd this place is insane!” She said in something between a whisper and a squeak.

“I can’t believe we’re guests!” Serena said, squeezing ChiChi’s arm. “I knew you’d be invited. If you have sex with him, promise you’ll tell me everything in the morning. Everything!”

“I have heard so many stories …” ChiChi said fanning herself for effect. “... I can only hope I get THAT lucky tonight!”

“I hope he picks you,” Serena said, secretly hoping it was her. He’d say something about how she looked stunning because he used words like that when he talked. She giggled again at the thought.

“Zero expectations because first and foremost we are going have a hell of a good time and if the end of the night doesn’t have me in bed with my Nordic Adonis know the guy who I do hook up with tonight … I will be thinking of my Norwegian God.” Chi said with a deep dreamy sigh.

“Kenny?” Serena asked. “He so would, you shoulda seen his eyes follow your ass out of the room.”

“Kenny?” ChiChi said as if it were just dawning on her. “I mean … He cute. Little gawkey. No, no not tonight I would get someone I vibe with and with whom I can do my laundry on their abs with.”
“I wonder what kind of kisser he is,” Serena mused, as the elevator reached its destination.

“God I hope I get to find out.” She cooed as they walked up to a gorgeous set of frosted French doors. “You want to ring or do you want me to?”

“You can,” Serena decided. “I’m just your plus one. You got the invite.”

ChiChi was all smiles as she pressed the doorbell. The party had only just started so when the door opened Olin himself greeted the girl's. He was still as handsome as ever. Fair skin and lean he was a person who preferred sport over actual working out. Olin still has some boyishness left in his face but it was starting to mature, trading those rose cheeks for more finer and sharper features, with cheek bone that lent to more of a fairy prince look. With bright green eyes, dark blond hair tied into a high choppy tail and a mischievous smile added a roguish vibe.

Chichi didn’t even note what he was wearing, it didn’t matter because unlike the rest of the mere mortals walking around whatever he wore … he made it look good not the other way around. Even four feet away he smelled amazing. And it was only because she was downwind that she could smell the faint hint of something minty or apple. It was hard to tell but good lord she wanted to find out.

“Hallo … ladies.” He said his accent giving an exotic lilt. “Please come in.” He said with an elegant sweep of his arm stepping to the side.

Serena hoped she didn’t stare as slackjawed as she felt as she drank in his appearance and aura. Not that she believed in that sort of thing. It wasn’t just his money. It was the way he carried himself. When she was a little younger she’d fantasize about him marrying Cyd and bringing them all to the city. Now - her fantasy involving him was a little different, and it definitely did not involve Cyd. “Heya Olin,” She said chipperly, her voice slightly squeaking in the middle. The memory of that would definitely be haunting her at 3 am tomorrow night. “Thanks for having us.”

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