Cali Crew - Nike's Ex

Unlike Nike, Nikita wasn’t quite done with the adventure part of the trip yet. There was always something new to see. The City would still have things to do and see, and all sorts of nightlife!

"Yea the surfing is … all ready missed The lakes here are polluted, full of snakes and crabs, aggressive little suckers," Bishop shuttered.

"So basically don't go in the water?" Nikka laughed.

"I didn't say that. I just said the crabs are very aggressive so go in the water heh heh min risk and let us know what kind of band aids you want in advance." Bishop smirked.

“There’s plenty of other things to do,” Nike reminded them. “I texted the Skye’s, they’re still living in the Sprawl, but they’ve had raves in the city..”

"The who?" Bishop asked.

"Ooooo I remember them. Well … mostly them helping you sneak out of the house." Nike said with a wry smile. "What was his name again?" She asked innocently.

“Mathias,” Nike said back with a shake of her head. “Cyd, Mathias, and Isaac. Altered Carbons, undocumented, I think, but they host parties for a living.”

"Host parties for a living? That's a thing?" Bishop said with a raised eyebrow.

"Apparently!" Nikka said brightly. "Do I [i] finally[i/] get to go to one?"

“They weren’t parties,” Nikita chided. “They were raves. Underground, lots of music, lots of drugs…”

“I went for the music,” Nike clarified.

“Suurrrre, you went for Mathias,” Nikita teased back.

“I doubt they still do that,” Nike told Nikka. “But there’s plenty of nightlife you can take advantage of.”

"So is … Mathias an ex? Should I be insecure?" Bishop asked.

"Very." Nikka laughed.

Nike shook her head and leaned over to kiss Bishop’s cheek. “The man who just drove me and my sisters criss cross across Arkangel in his badass car?” She squeezed his arm. “You know damn well you’re the man of my dreams. Literally.”

Nikita made a mock gagging sound from the back seat.

"Yea yea yea … we all know Ina. Game of Marry Fuck Kill … Bishop you Marry …" Nikka started.

"And someone is going to be dreaming about walking into school without pants …" Bishop interjected with laughing.

" … and Bishop is soooooo much better than that Mathias guy …" Nikka pivoted.

“He was shady as hell,” Nikita added.

"Yea thats called the bad boy vibe and you know you would skip right over if he did that thing he did. You know that thing … " Nikka said, trying to mimic that face.

"Look … constipated?" Bishop teased.

“Aren’t you about the same age as Isaac?” Nike asked, looking at Nikka in the back seat.

"Am I? Is he cute?" Nikka asked.

"Oooh boy." Bishop remarked.

Nike snickered. “You’ll like the Skye’s,” She told Bishop. “They’re Cali kind of people, only stuck in the Sprawl. Laid back.”

"Well I hope we get an invite, see what the party scene is like." Bishop grinned.

“It’s a rave,” Nikita giggled. “You don’t get an invite. You show up. And for some reason, you try to wear as little as possible.”

"I so want to go now." Nikka said brightly.

"Yea that … is not a conversation for me to have!" Bishop whistled.

“You can smoke as much weed as you want,” Nikita told him.”You’ll have a blast.”

"Listen, I was already sold on this idea you don't have to tempt me more." Bishop pointed out.

"Can I smoke weed?" Nikka asked.

“Like you haven’t already,” Nikita said, shaking her head.

"I made shrimp the size of dogs. Ya damn right I have! I'm just trying to protect Nike's innocence." Nikka said straight faced.

Nike snorted. “Sure Nikka. As fresh as the driven snow. Left at the next corner, Dad has a condo, right on the water.”

"He has a condo on the water?" Bishop whistled. That couldn't be cheap.

"With lots of hot water and extra cozy beds." Nikka clapped. "Does it have a coffee machine? I've been forever ruined by Bishop and his coffee … It's been nothing but expensive liquid disappointment the whole trip."

“There’s a coffee machine,” Nike said. “Place is fully furnished, Klaus didn’t usually go cheap.” .

"Hey, Dad is good for something. Woo." Nikka snarked.

"I am so sleeping for two days straight. Fun but road tripping is tiring. Itlss be nice to chill and stretch our legs." Bishop sighed. "So … dinner?"

"Pizza!" Nikka said quickly.

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