Skye Life - Got The Invite!

I got the invite! I got it! When are you coming over we have to go together so we can be a matched set!

On our way now!!!!! Serena replied, adding a variety of heart and unicorn emojis, without touching the watch itself. “C’mon!” She said, a new spring in her step as she pulled Mathias along. “We don’t want to miss the next metro! Cyd has to set up, and you need to check the helium tanks!”

“I know you're excited, don't you worry we'll get there with plenty of time to spare. Save the energy for the party.” Mathias chuckled as he smacked the faulty machine to get their Metro tickets. It hadn't been repaired in a dog's age and was about as faulty as it looked with a nasty habit of eating a cred or two. Mathias cursed trying to get the matching to respond to give four tickets.

“Please hurry!” Serena said, more to the ticket machine than Mathias. Either it felt her sense of urgency, or Mathias’s swift kick, but it dispensed the tickets, leaving the credits on his stick. The urgency was unwarranted, as once they got through the turnstiles, they still had a few minutes to wait.

Cyd, either listening to music in her headphones or in her head, shuffled on the platform waiting for the train to come by. It was an Olin party, not just any old routine would do. She also tugged on her booty shorts which were half a size small, mostly intentional.

Thankfully the trains were light since it was after rush hour so they were all comfortably able to sit comfortably. As they made their connection the closer they got to the heart of carbon city the more and more the Skye's stuck out and the more they looked like the roughest element from the sprawl. In spite of their colorful look there was an undeniable edge to them, the way their eyes would flick warily when a person got too close or in spite of the room in the train car they stuck close together. What was second nature to them was something a non sprawler would notice.

The train finally stopped and chimed as the doors slid open, Mathias stood and let them out to the platform. Everything was nicer in there heart of the city, even the air smelled different.

“I’ll see you at the party!” Serena called, the minute the doors slid open. “I gotta go find someone!”

“Whoa hold up other where are you going rushing off like that? Is there a boy? Are you meeting up with a boy at Olin's party? If you are, I need name , address and blood type.” Mathias said in a matter of fact tone. “Possibly next of kin.”

Serena laughed. “There’s no boy! If there was, I’d wear more make up, an’ shorter shorts,” Serena said matter of fact. “I told Chi Chi I’d meet up with her ‘fore the party on account of you don’t really need me to help set up, do you?”

Mathias gave Serena a careful look. “Okay. But! Check in with me and Cyd when you get there.” He demanded.

“I will! I’ll text you!” She called, dashing off.

“Or else!” Mathias warned playfully as she rushed off. “Remember when she used to cling? I almost miss those days. Almost.” He said to Cyd.

“I remember her falling asleep under the Kandi table and freaking out when we couldn’t find her anywhere,” Cyd chuckled. “And then her sneaking under the Kandi table with that boy from the city. Same feeling of panic, go figure.”

“I wasn’t panic. That boy was.” Mathias said with a devious grin.

“He did near piss himself,” Cyd laughed. “Let’s hope it’s not a repeat, I’ll check in with Chi Chi later to make sure she’s not in the Kennels with this pup kid she slipped in while we were getting dressed.”

“I could just … follow her? Though A puppy might be coming home as an apology when this Kennel Kid goes mysteriously missing.” Mathias said innocently.

“No pets!” Cyd reminded him. “Words I’m going to regret - but let’s let her be - this is an OLIN party, I want to make sure it’s perfect.”

“Yea yea yea … we wilder at that age. Poorer and very unsupervised.” Mathias admitted. “And we turned out just fine!”

Cyd looked him up and down then made an iffy gesture, cracking a smile. “Whatever it is, we can focus on it later. Olin party.”

Mathias put his hand up in surrender. “She’ll be fine.” He said he ambled to Olin's penthouse with his twin.

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