Skye Life - A Rat in Our Midst

“GED?” Cyd asked, raising her eyebrows.

“What?” Mathis passing Cyd the eye stuff to use.

“That involves self-studying and which one of us is going to help with that? I mean chemistry? We’re in luck, but all the other classes? I just think it’s a bad idea.” Cyd said with a shrug.

“Did anyone say she could drop out beforehand? Did anyone agree to help her?” Mathias pointed out. “If she puts the work in and gets it are you really going to cry boo?”

“It… would make things easier,” Cyd decided uneasily.

“If we had a cat?” Serena asked, stepping out of the bathroom well glittered up.

“Rat!” Mathias said suddenly.

“I’m not! I didn’t tell anyone about who you kissed at the… “ Serena started, as Cyd hopped up on a chair.

“Broom! Kitchen!” Cyd called.

“Right I’ll just sweep I’ll out the house!” Mathias said dryly, getting the bat.

“Don’t kill it!” Serena pleaded, grabbing his arm.

“You know the rule,” Cyd shot back. “If it’s inside the house, it’s an intruder. Ask Arch what happens to intruders!”

“Serena I have immense respect for rats, their physical prowess, survival capabilities and loving nature … BUT NOT IN THE HOUSE!!” Mathias said chasing it with the bat in a real life game of Wack-A-Rat.

“But… But…” Serena stammered, covering her eyes.

“It’s over there!” Cyd said helpfully, jumping from the chair to the couch.

“Door! Door! Door!” Mathis yelled swinging and missing. The brown monstrosity squeaking angrily it’s little clawed paws making scraping sounds on the wood as it ran for it’s life.

“Run!” Serena told it, opening the door! The rat zigged and zagged, barely avoiding Mathias’ swing. “Be lucky, be lucky be lucky! Hurry Rat!”

The brown, black rat zipped over Serena sneaker squeaking what one might assume were rat obscenities, so Mathis often claimed, crashing about as it dove into a trash pile in the streets.

“Next time pay rent!” Mathias threatened.

Serena gave Mathias her best cross look, narrowing her eyes and folding her arms as she closed the door. “You know, rats usually stay outta apartments that have cats.”

Cyd climbed down from the couch. “Whine about it later, - we need to go.”

“Right, right, right, no more beating up on rats, human or otherwise. We all ready?” Mathias asked.

“I’m ready, I’m ready,” Serena called, bouncing into the living room. “C’mon slow pokes!”

Mathias laughed as he slipped on his red leather jacket. At this point none of the jacket was original, even as well taken care of as if it had been repaired, fixed, stitched, altered, modified and decorated over the years. For all the changes it has gone through it still was Mathias most constant and distinct piece of clothing. “Alright let's head out, don't pig out you'll get a stomach ache.” Mathias reminded Serena.

“Unless they have ice cream!” Serena added.

“How haven’t you climbed into a Van painted with Free Candy yet?” Cyd wondered out loud.

“CYD! … Don't give her ideas!” Mathias teased as he waved to shoo everyone out the door. “Let's be honest, how many families openly go to raves and encourage the safe use of drugs? You think that's gonna beat out the Candy Van? I think not.”

“What kinda candy do they have?” Serena asked, as she was ushered out the door.

“The kind where you wake up the next day in a bathtub full of ice missing two kidneys.” Cyd replied, taking her sister by the hand. “Metro or walking?” She asked Mathias.

“Metro. Trust me it'll be worth it. Party is starting in the nice part of the city and … well you know who the hell knows where I'll end up. You know it is, it starts out nice and the wilder it gets the closer it slides toward the Sprawl.” Mathias said with a grin.

Serena watched Cyd’s shoes as they flashed different colors with envy, syncing with the flashing lights of the cat ears on her headphones. Two things Cyd refused to share, ever. She let go of Cyd’s hand in favor of Mathias’. If Cyd noticed, she didn’t show it, instead spinning on her toes to leave a trail of lights behind her. Show off, she thought with her inside voice.

Mathias gave Serena a bright smile as they headed down to the Metro. Serena's phone, yet another hand me down, a model probably from four years ago, it was a worn down but highly decorated flexible phone that could pass as a bangle around her wrist making a pinging sound. It was really only good for texting because a family plan for all of them was out of the question money wise.

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