Skye Life - Olin's Party - GED's & Glitter

“I wouldn’t be alone if I had a cat!” Serena called from the closet.

“No Pets!” Cyd hollered back. She lowered her voice. “I’m just saying it’s an Olin party, I mean, he’s a huge client for you, and it is a school night for her.”

“She’ll be fine, we’ll keep an eye, we always do, Mathias reminded. “Best behavior tonight, right?” He called.

“If I do, can I have a cat?” She called back.

“No but do have body glitter you can borrow!” Mathis negotiated. “See she learns more about life in these interactions that she does in school.” He pointed out to Cyd.

“I’m sure Mr. Goodwin will be impressed that she knows how to kneecap someone because that’ll be the only thing she passes this semester.” Cyd shot back.

“It’s your fault, Cyd, not Mathias’!” Serena called, opening the door to the closet.

“Mr. Goodwin needs to take the stick out of his ass. t.” Mathias said with a sagely nod. “Serena is smart, just because she doesn't …” The raver drug deal made a hand motion trying to find the right words. “... sit still long enough to his satisfaction sounds like an issue in his teaching style.”

“I can drop out!” Serena offered helpfully. “Then no one has to worry about it.”

“Are those my shoes?” Cyd asked, pointing to Serena’s sneakers.

“No --” Serena balked. “They were in the hand me down bin.” She folded her arms and crossed to Mathias’ side. “And they were the only thing in the bin that didn’t end up on the banned list.”

“This hill you're trying to take?” Mathias whispered to Serena. ”Soooo not worth dying on.”

Serena huffed dramatically and took the sneakers off, dropping them on the floor of the living room. “The rave is gonna be over by the time we even get to go out!” she snarked, digging her own, plain stupid sneakers from under the couch.

“I wasn’t that theatrical at 16, was I?” Cyd asked, scooping her footwear up.

“You want an honest answer or just the one you want to hear?” He said, slipping out the bathroom. “Raves don’t start till Cyd and I get there.” Mathias said, looking for his jacket.

“So that was a yes on dropping out?” Serena asked, wishing her white sneakers were in fact white.

“How about we agree you help me find my jacket that you did NOT put back and get your GED then we can revisit this conversation?” Mathias said looking in the bedroom “Does a mole person live in here?!”

“You said I could borrow your body glitter powder.” Serena reminded him as she retrieved his jacket from the closet.

“Bathroom, where it stays.” Mathis said, accepting his jacket, feeling the pockets for the eye stuff.

Serena went to the bathroom to glitter up.

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