Skye Life - Olin's Party

Cyd looked in the mirror and puckered her bright pink neon lips, and finished the rest of her day-glo make up. She had long threads of various colors tied into her hair to give it a striped appearance. Dark black mascara was used to draw the perfect cat eyes, and with the luminescent shade on her lids, nose and above her lip, Digi Kitty - her rave persona - was ready to go.

Truth be told, she loved being Digi Kitty more than she liked being Cyd Skye. Digi Kitty was fun and flirty - near everything she’d given up when she, Mathias and Isaac were left to fend for themselves. Then Serena joined the mix, and at 23, Cyd felt like she should be in her forties. School was a lost cause - and both Isaac and Serena knew it. There would be no post secondary for them, just like there wasn’t for Mathias. But that wasn’t Digi Kitty’s problem, that belonged to Cyd.

Mathias rolled shoulder still working out the kinks. If he wasn't sure before he was positive no one of the supports in the sofa was either broken or bowed. It was rapidly climbing to the top of the ever growing list of things that needed fixing. Life was a Venn diagram of time energy and money with the very middle being ‘fuck it’.

The problems never left Mathias, he was making and slinging drugs and the only time off was when he slept. He just worried about another set of them. Mathias dug through the bin of half use, remix, repair and homebrew makeup and product. Going through the motions, less more more and his mind wanted a bit a he put on makeup and styled his hair.

“I brought the donuts!” Serena said in a sing song voice. “I waited until they were gonna close so they were half off anything they were gonna throw out,” she said proudly. “And the girl gave me a whole liter of coffee to put in a good word with the Candy man at the next rave.”

“Will fly for coffee?” Cyd teased her brother.

“Food for drugs is a good trade.” Mathias chuckled as he jockeyed for mirro space with Isaac. One was too tall and the other two short. “Sides you know how hard it is to get good coffee around here for under 5 creds? Impossible, that's how hard.”

“I wish I could get you a new couch,” Serena said, sitting on the sagging sofa in their living room, with its scratchy fabric and lumpy stuffing.

“And I wish you’d go get ready,” Cyd said back, adjusting the belt she wore over her bare midsection. “Maybe at least one of our wishes will happen.”

“Maybe one of our wishes will happen,” Serena mocked on her way to the bedroom to change – not that it mattered, she still had the ChiChi plan! She dressed quickly, then went to pass ‘inspection.’

“Real shirt!” Serena said, turning in a circle for Mathias to see. “No tape, no latex paint, and…” she held up her arm. “I made my own Kandi.”

“... And?” Mathis asked, putting some cheap gunk in his hair to tame that perpetual bed head.

Serena giggled, putting her hands in the back pockets of her blue neon shorts. “No one is gonna see my undies, Mathias Skye!”

“Not unless they’re thongs.” He pointed out.

Serena huffed dramatically and trudged to the bedroom to change.

“You COULD stay home, you know,” Cyd threatened.

“Yea … sooo much safer.” Mathias snorted. “Better she blow off steam where we can keep an eye on her, rather in sight then sneaking out and doing who knows what with … who knows what.”

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