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Character Serena

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Skye Life - Kennel Kenny

ChiChi giggled. “The rabbit is so underrated. Okay so, give me 15 to wrap it up and then me, you and little puppies in dire need of snuggles.” She said polishing off her juice.

“Okay!” Serena squealed. “I just gotta be home before they leave… to… come back here. I don’t understand the logic of it, but I’m not takin’ the chance of missing out on an Olin party.”

“Don't worry, Mathias is just … Mathiasing.” She shrugged, standing up to stretch. “Omagawd if ever find the insidious human who invented heels I will hurt them with their own invention. Okay I'll be back in a flash!”

Serena sat patiently waiting in the hallway. “You know I can’t play.” She said to no one in particular. “So quit asking.”

Serena didn't have to wait too long before ChiChi came bounding out, four inches shorter but still no less stylish. “Let's Go!” She said and took Serena hand practically dragging her as they waved through crowds, stairways and hallways to the kennels. “You think it weird they hired a guy named Kenny to work at the Kennels. How did I not notice that till now?”

Serena giggled. “He found his perfect job!” she said, getting dragged along.

“Kenny!” ChiChi bounced and waved.

Kenny waved back with a goofy smile. He was a young boy still in the gawkey and unavoidably acne stage. He was maybe a little older than ChiChi, with fake hair and bright brown eyes. “Puppies right?” He said with a knowing smile.

“Omigosh yes!” ChiChi said her own puppy eyes were sparkling.

Kenny shook his head laughing and waved them in. The kennel where quiet till the dogs noticed there when two new people. So naturally they all started energetically bouncing and back all vying for a scrap of attention from the new people.

“Puppies!” Serena said, diving in, while greyhound puppies yipped and pounced.

They group of eight puppies swarmed Serena and ChiChi, bouncing niping finger playing and all demanding attention and play time. ChiChi had three in her lap wrestling and one in her arms who fell instantly asleep because it was cozy or their puppy batter ran out. “I want a place where I can have all the puppies.” ChiChi cooed.

“Please like anyone can say no to you!” Serema laughed as an overzealous pup hung from her pigtail.

ChiChi checked the time. “Boo … I need to go, catch some sleep and hope I wake up to an invitation. When do you think you are going to stop by so I can play dress up with you?”

“Tonight?” Serena asked. “Or I can get dressed now an’ wear it home! Otherwise, Cyd need to set up some music… thing.” she waved a hand absently. “I can slip off.”

“Nonono cuz if you wear it home and they disapprove they will make you change plus I need ….NEEEEEEED … to do your makeup and if you don't too early that just more time for it to get messed up.” She said knowingly. “Slip off, come to my place. And if they get curious tell ‘em you'll meet them there with good ‘ol ChiChi.”

“You got it Chi Chi!” Serena said happily, falling on her backside while another puppy launched at her hair.

For good measure ChiChi set the puppies's on to distract them while she escaped. “Don't stay too long or they’ll follow you home! See you tonight!” She waved with a smile.

“Okay Vic… Chi Chi!” Serena called, hoping they did follow her. She couldn’t wait to come back and see what she had in store!

Serena it wasn't long after until she wore all the puppies out and most and fallen asleep on or around her.

Kenny chuckled looking. “You need a little help getting out?”

“Yeah huh please!” Serena said. Not that you could ever get tired of puppies, but they were exhausting! She still needed to get donuts and coffee and make it back home to shower and get cleaned up.

Kenny laughed at the situation and carefully, without waking the puppies moved them off Serena and back on to their blankets. They all make cute little cranky sounds as they settle back down. “Make your escape before they wake up.” He said quietly.

“Thanks Kennel Kenny!” Serena whispered, dashing off.

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