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Character Serena

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Skye Life - Elysium

Serena waved to the girl dressed provocatively like a circus ringmaster. She was spilling out of a size-too-small bustier covered by a cropped red tuxedo jacket and tails over fishnet stockings and heels that probably added a good 4 inches of height. A tiny top hat sat on a jaunty angle on top of her head, a big red heart painted over one eye. Barely sixteen, Serena always felt she had the body of an 11-year-old boy when she stood too close to ChiChi who had more curves in more places than fathomable. “Heya! The teen said excitedly. “Didja hear about Olin?”

That got an instant gasp from the older girl. “Serena!” ChiChi squeaked, giving her a hug. “What about Olin? Is he in town? I've been a bit busy! Are you hungry? Everything is winding down so we can get some breakfast together!” she clapped full of energy. ChiChi only had two mode. On and off.

“Super hungry!” Serena said happily. “Uh huh, he’s in town an’ I think he’s gonna have some sorta VIP party. If you get invited, can I go too?”

“Duh! But doesn't your brother have the hook up?” ChiChi noted. “Heck you're the one telling me tall, dark and euro-yum is in town before the news got to spread!”

“Yeah huh,” she said, skipping along side Chi Chi, who seemed to glide rather than walk in her super high heels. Serena walked on her tiptoes, wishing she had shoes like that, ones that were high heeled and lit up. “Mathias is the best around, even Olin knows it.But likely Cyd would get invited ‘fore me and she’ll say its no place for ‘kids’ or something.” Serena put the word ‘kids’ in air quotes. “An’ sides no one is more VIP in Elysium than you, so you’ll definitely get invited.”

“Daww …” ChiChi cooed. “ … well you know I am a firm believer that there are no kids in the sprawl, just very short survivors.” She tisked. “Don't you worry I got your back. If and when I get that sweet sweet invite you'll be my plus one.” ChiChi promised before pausing. “Do I get to dress you up!”

“Yes!” Serena said happily, grabbing a tray for her and one for Chi Chi.. “Please! I was gonna come here an’ ask to borrow somethin’ for the next rave, but then Mathias told me about Olin, an this party, an I wanna look like a more grown up short survivor. “

ChiChi beamer and giggles. “We're both short but we can definitely…elevate your assets! Cute is a beauty feature!” She started as they picked out their meals. “Your own family won't recognize you.”

“With make up, too?” Serena asked, choosing cereal with little marshmallow pieces. They never got cereal even without marshmallow pieces at home.

“I thought that was assumed!” ChiChi said, grabbing a fruit cup. “You so need a side hustle of your own you know. Make a bit of your own money.”

“Is there anything here I can help with?” Serena asked. “I’d love to make money, maybe help out Cyd an’ Mathias.”

“Here?” ChiChi said thoughtfully as they took a seat. “I'll ask around if you want. Someone always needs someone for something here, get you something part-time.”

“That would be great!” Serena said lowering her voice. “On account of anything I can do might get me in trouble. But maybe if I dress super cute I can run stuff for Mathias.”

“Girl I would not be dressed up in an outfit that would fit a toddler if I wasn't getting paid. Even down here in the Sprawl we gotta be careful with that kind of thing.” ChiChi said, wiggling her fingers. “People like us gotta be extra on all fronts.”

“I know, I know,” Serena said through a mouth full of marshmallow. “Super extra careful. “Six years now, It’s harder to remember what it was like.”

“Not a bad thing.” She said dryly as she delicately ate her fruit in a cup. “And you got yourself a cozy little nest to boot! Pretty sure you got the sweetest of deals.”

“No, I did,” Serena agreed, toying with the Skye cuff Mathias had given her. “I mean, sometimes I still get treated like an even shorter survivor, but they’re a good family. You are too. My secret sister.” She giggled.

“Absolutely. Oh! Are you going to hang around? Kenny said one of the racing dogs had upped and I could go see them at the end of my shift. You wanna come?” ChiChis said practically bouncing in her seat.

“Do I ever!” Serena said, picking up her bowl to slurp down the remainder of milk. “”But I secretly root for the rabbit.

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