Cali Crew - East Bound Part 2

By the time they reached the City, Nike was ready for the trip to be over. She loved it - every minute of it, being with Bishop, with her sisters, but it was like summer vacation. Come the end of August, you would almost look forward to school.

They hit every single place on the list. Big attractions, the forest, the painted desert, the Creole Quarter, to all the kitsch things Nikita demanded they stop at - all the roadside attractions, including the biggest ball of twine. Days were spent in the car or ooh’ing and ahhing, nights were spent in motels or a few times a shopping center parking lot, with everyone too exhausted to press on.

Things, according to the Bishops had calmed down somewhat, but there was still a sizable “Not in My Backyard” kind of thing going on. Everything was being blamed on the Altered Carbon population, the small brush fire, the stronger than usual winds, even the drought. McCarthyism at its best,” Nike couldn’t help but think, recognizing the blonde Cali woman who was accusing random people of being meta. Home would still be a no-go. Not yet, anyway.

The city skyline loomed in front of them. Impossibly tall buildings that seemed to spring up out of nowhere. “There it is,” Nike said offhandedly, causing Nikita and Nikka to crane their necks. It wasn’t that they’d never seen it, their dad’s ‘business’ took them to the city all the time.

"We should go to the top of Andreas Tower. I was really little last time we went." Nikka said, practically crawling over her sister to catch the view.

"And the Nintendo store." Bishop said remembering. "Well mill about, soaking the sights, make some questionable choices, then have an adventure going back home! Because the city is nothing compared to the beaches of Cali." He chuckled as he drove.

“There’s always paddle boarding,” Nikita offered.

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