Cali Crew - Not Welcome Here

The sound of crashing glass was enough to make anyone jump clear out their skin as the red brick was hurled through the coffee shop front window.

Bishop ducked and covered Nike using his body as a shield because sure it was one brick at the moment who knew what else they might start tossing in.

Nikka ran out of the bathroom. "What the hell was that?!" She said stopping as she saw the front window shattered, glass bits scattered all over the floor.

“Cowards!” Nikita yelled out the front door, seeing no one.

"Hey, just stay away from the window, just in case. Everyone, okay?" Bishop has just been safe.

"Define okay?" Nikka said as she looked over at the damage.

“I’ll go get the broom,” Nike offered. “And the plywood from the basement, I know your parents kept it from last time. Please tell them we’ll pay for the window…” she let her voice trail off. Leaving meant quitting jobs, but she could dip into the funds Niklaus had left them before going on his own ‘vacation.’

"Don't be ridiculous, you didn’t throw the brick. You didn't do anything … " Bishop started before his mom picked up. "Hey Mom …" He started telling her what happened. "... okay I'll see you soon."

"Mom said they're going to need to file a report for the insurance company and there has been a streak of vandalism in town tonight. I let her know you and your sister are crashing at our place and now she's making cookies." Bishop explained. "You, Nikita and Nikka can take my car to my house, let not tempt fate further by putting you guys up front and center with the police. My dad is coming over to help me clean up and everything."

Nike put her hand on his cheek and smiled gratefully at him before planting a quick peck on his soft lips.

Nikita was already in the car, the chance to drive the Cyclone was not to be passed up!

Bishop smiled down at Nike. "Hey no speeding." He said to retreating Nikita as he handed the keys to Nike.

"Really?" Nikita asked with a scowl.

Nikka plodded over to the car.

"Keep safe, I'll be back as soon and me and my Dad wrap it up here." Bishop assured.

Nike tossed the keys to her sister and the girl’s headed to Bishop’s, taking as many backstreets as possible, partly to lay low, and partly because Nikita was in love with that damn car.

By the time they arrived Bishop's mom had cookies cooling on the rack and was getting the air mattress filled for the girl's stay.

It was nearly midnight when Bishop and his dad came home. "I hope they saved some cookies for us." Bishop chuckled to his Dad.

Nike waited up, nursing a long cold cup of tea, trying to formulate a plan. When they were with Klaus, they moved all the time anyway, it was just the way it was. Some kids got a backyard and picked fence, they collected zipcodes, and Nikita - license plate keyrings with variations of their names. Nike, Nikita and Nikka weren’t as mainstream as Nicole or Nicholas. But now? Cali felt like home. “Sorry again, Mr. Bishop,” She apologized, taking a sip of the cold tea.

"Told ya." Bishop said as Mr. Bishop handed over a ten dollar bill to his son.

"I'm sure there would have been brick through that window without you being there Nike. People do that kind of insane stuff. Seems like anytime there is a Meta related something on TV some nut goes on the rampage." Mr. Bishop said as he walked into the kitchen for cookies.

Bishop leaned on the door frame while his Dad raised the cookies. "How you holding up, hows everyone holding up actually?"

“Nikka feels awful still, I think she cried herself to sleep. Nikita is fine, she’s still on a high from driving your car, which we charged up and picked up road snacks. Twizzlers and chips, nothing that would make a huge mess,” she promised. “What about you? What’d the police have to say?”

"They'll look into it blah blah blah … but really there isn't much they can do. They're looking around to see if there is a security camera but if they find someone they find someone." Bishop shrugged. "Us and a long list of other shops. I talked to Dad about our road trip, to get away from the crazy for a spell. He doesn't think it's a bad idea, change of scenery, get our mind off the bullshit."

“I’ve been mapping it out,” Nike said, tapping the pad beside her to show him the route. “If nothing else happens.”

"It'll be fine, Nike. Not everyone is so lucky to have power that doesn't spill out, hell if she just had a chance to use them more has someone to give her some help … but … it's a vicious cycle. You can't get help unless you cause trouble or go to the government and that means basically sending her away which is a shit option. Worse, the nature of her power means she can exactly find a place to Elsa it up and 'let it go' without leaving a shit ton of evidence. Right now she only has her very understanding family and her sister's boyfriend's family. So we do our best to treat her like a normal person." Bishop said firmly.

“She is a normal person,” Nike agreed. “I’d never say she wasn’t, I’m just saying that it might be best to lay low. I mean, I just wish I knew how to help.”

"Please no one here is normal … especially my parents." Bishop jokes. "People want to be normal. But we're not. That's okay. But I know at her age when all the crap around her? She just wants to blend in, I get that."

“They love it here. You, your parents - they’re a big part of the reason why.” She admitted. “Couple of days on the road and she’ll be back to her old self. And I mean, someday, the prawn thing was pretty funny,” she giggled.

"No, it's already funny. I wish you could have seen my face when it bowled me over. I'm sure it would have been hilarious." He said sitting down next to her. "We'll make a list! There's a ton of crazy places we can go and visit," Bishop suggested.

“Haunted hotels?” Nike asked with another giggle. “All of it. We’ll hit everything. One giant loop of Arkadia.” She said, scrunching her shoulders.

"I love how adventurous you are." Bishop smiled. "We got plans to polish for tomorrow, packing, the whole nine. Then it's happy trails to the city and back."

“Maybe we should take a trip over tonight?” She offered. “I can pack for my sisters. I’m just thinking it’s less likely for anyone to be there tonight rather than in the morning.”

"I get it, I also have a healthy dose of paranoia. But I think it is better to wait a bit, make sure those media vultures are gone first. You don't want to get swooped on and harassed." Bishop pointed out.

Nike stood up and nodded. “In that case, what do you say we turn in, go visit a beach in South America?”

"I've always wanted to go to Brazil." Bishop smiled, getting up. "Maybe we'll make it there for real."

“During Carnival,” Nike said with a wicked smile. “ I have heard it gets pretty wild.”

"Promises, promises." Bishop said with a grin.

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