Good Bye, Japan - Dogo, Mal & Cain

“The better question is how did they go so wrong with you and so right with me? The third times the charm.” Cain cackled smiling broadly.

“And it’s only murder if they find a body.” Dogo said pointedly.

“We’ll stop at a pig farm along the way,” Mal promised, herding the boys outside.

“Those poor pigs.” Dogo tsked as Mal nudged them along.

“Bull … it's to much work chopping a body up to feed to pigs. You both are too lazy to put int the work.” Cain accused.

Kimura was outside in street clothes waiting for the boy by the car. “You ladies need more time to finish your hair or are we going to go some time this century?” She asked eyes peeking over her sunglasses.

“Sorry, Team Lead,” Mal answered, tussling the unruly shock on Cain’s head. “Cain keeps using all the hair gel for other endeavors.” He made a jerking motion with his free hand to indicate what it was used for.

“Keep in mind it took the geneticist extra work to make you all boys.” Kimura said dryly. “Girls are easier I said. But did they listen? No. Now we have no hair gel.” She snarked getting in the car.

“I would have but most of it was already suspiciously gone. MAL.” Cain shot back.

“This … is a gross turn of events.” Dogo admitted piling into the car with his brothers.

“Who let you under the radar,” Mal kidded back.

Dogo just gave an innocent smile as he buckled in. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Mal slid into the front seat next to his team lead. “Goodbye Japan, hello Arkangel,” He said with a grin. “Never thought I’d say this, but I’m even going to miss Katsu.”

Katsu, Kimura’s father, stood on the front porch area of his estate, arms folded across his chest. Mal noticed the Red Dragon didn’t look all that happy, but then again, he never did, not really. In fact, Mal could count on his fingers the amount of times he’’d seen him genuinely smile. He still offered a polite wave that Katsu didn’t return as the car headed towards the airstrip.

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