Skye Life - Early Bird vs the Night Owl part 1

Late morning, with the smell of bleach wafting in the apartment, Serena sat cross legged on the coffee table, watching Mathias as he slept as she ate half a protein paste sandwich and took a sip of his water. She still wore the cuff, she’d taken to wearing it even out of the raves half because less people messed with her, half because it made her feel like a Skye - even if it wasn’t true, not really.

“I can feel you watching me.” Mathias said, refusing to open his eyes. “How are you even awake.” He drawled.

“I’m just sitting here quietly waiting for you to wake up,” She replied, mouth full of sandwich.

“You stare very loudly.” Mathias said, trying to bury himself under his blanket. “Where do you get this energy from its inhuman.”

“I get up early,” Serena agreed. “On account of Cyd snores after the rave.”

Mathias peek out from his blame and smother a laugh. “You could always crash on the lazy boy.” He said with barely suppressed giggles as he rubbed his eyes.

“Next rave for sure,” Serena said, nodding enthusiastically. “I’m gonna work on my rave bunny wear.”

It was too late now. Mathias was awake. He sat up promising himself a mid day nap. “Okay? Like literal bunny at a rave or rave bunny as in wearing questionably little clothing?”

“You’ll see,” Serena said, hiding a giggle. “Don’t worry, it’ll cover the important parts. Cyd said it was okay.”

“It's only Cyd approved till after it's made.” Mathias said. “Okay so what do I have to do to get a couple more hours of sleep?”

Serena tapped a finger to her chin in an exaggerated manner. “I could go to Elysium,” she offered. “Or I could get a cat.”

“You lucky Cyds snoring drowned that out of she would have stomped in here to play bad cop.” Mathias said with a vague wave. “No pets. Barely have a enough room as it is if you bring a non rent paying beast in this house it'll explode.”

“If we get a mouser, it’ll eat the rats, an’ then I could make a room under the table an’ it’d be all mine.” She suggested.

“Cats are terrible mousers. They only hunt mice in cartoons.” Mathias said with a yawn leaning back on the couch and reaching for his phone.

“So Elysium then. I’ll go see Chi Chi. I hafta borrow something she has for my rave bunny wear.” Serena suggested.

“I mean technically no one can stop you from going there but you will let disapproving looks when you get back. Cyd might do that thing when she moves her head slowly back and forth in vague disappointment.” Mathias said with a snort laugh as he tapped on his phone.

“Okay!” Serena said excitedly. “You get some more sleep. I’ll see ya tonight.”

“But I do- …” Mathias said, putting his phone down for a second. “ … wait did you say tonight.”

“Yeah huh. Don’tcha usually go to Elysium Saturday nights to be the Candy Man there?” Serena asked, straightening a pig tail.

“I don't see how that's relevant.” Mathias retorted suspiciously.

Serena tilted her head to the side and giggled. “You know how Chi Chi is. We talk an’ then get something to eat an’ then next thing you know, it’s tonight.”

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