Cali Crew - Jennies? NIMBY!

News outlets quickly picked up the story of the giant prawn on Cali beach. Contrary to Bishop’s belief, it wasn’t just blowing over. Nikita nursed her cup of coffee in the Hallowed Ground shop that Bishop’s parents owned, listening to a reporter drone on, frowning when she shoved the microphone in the face of ‘locals.’

“I had no idea there were so many Jenners in the area!” One particularly histrionic blonde woman said, using the derogatory slang for Altered Carbon individuals. Jenners, Jennies, for mutagenesis. “Cali definitely has taken a turn for the worse. Property values are going to go down, that’s for sure.”

“Hey, Nikka, why don’t we go see if there is any ice cream in the back? I know where Mrs. Bishop hides the good stuff,” Nikita offered, just as their bungalow appeared on screen. “C’mon, let’s go see.”

Bishop choked on his coffee. “Turn it off.” He coughed.

Nikka’s eyes got huge. “Is that our home!?”

Nike flipped off the TV and pursed her lips together tightly, thinking. She clapped her hands together. “What’s summer without a vacation?” She asked her sisters. “Road Trip?" She asked, pointing at Nikka. "Road Trip?" She pointed at Nikita.

“I still wanna see the big ball of twine,” Nikita said, trying to sound optimistic.

"A ton to do in the city,." Bishop added quickly.

Nikka frowned, eyes welling a bit. "Yea … maybe … just. A road trip. Till people forget. I just … " Nikka said, walking to the bathroom.

“It was an accident,” Nikita reminded her. “Shit sometimes happens.” She emphasized the point by blowing a bubble with her pink gum. “It’s okay Nikka.”

"They don't make it easy, that's for sure." Bishop huffed, looking around. "You guys should stay at my place. We'll make a thing of it. Pack up and hit the road." He suggested.

“You don’t have to come with,” Nike said quietly. “I mean, we have a lit test tomorrow and you’re kind of killing it this semester.”

"But I have the coolest car to travel in." Bishop said as if that were the qualifying reason. "Yea, I like to think I'm smart but I think I'm also charming." He joked. "I'll talk to my professor, see if I can remote the last few weeks and take a small hit."

“Gibson? Talk to his TA. She’s been making eyes all semester, you’ll have an easier go,” Nike said with a smile, touching his arm.

Bishop laughed. "I almost feel bad for the poor TA. Almost. But we're going on a road trip! It'll be great and by the time we get bad they'll be on to the next thing. Maybe we'll take a bite out of the big city."

“I love the city!” Nikka said, happily for real this time. “And the ball of twine!”

"It'll be good, by the time we get back. Back to the status quo." Bishop assured. "Well wait a bit make sure no lurkers are around your home before we go and pack for the trip."

Nike squeezed Bishop’s arm, giving him a thankful glance. “Just one more reason why I love you so damn much,” she said with a content smile. They’d be okay. One week, maybe two.

Bishop gave a soft smile. "We're family. We have to watch each other's backs."

The moment was ruined when a brick collided with the picture glass window in the front of the coffee shop.

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