Billy Goats Gruff - Cain, Mal & Dogo

Mal took one last look around the room, not out of any sort of melancholy, but more to make sure he had everything packed. None of ‘the boys’ had many personal belongings unless you counted weapons, and Kimura had arranged to have those shipped. Even by private jet carrying firearms and melee weapons was frowned upon. Letting out a breath, he ran a hand through his hair and heading into the hallway then whistled for his brothers.

Dogo slung his duffle over his shoulder, he traveled light. With the traveling around it seemed a bit much to carry much more for one person. He quickly padded in step behind Mal. “You have that face on you know?”

“Which one? The I-want-breakfast face, or the I-could-still-kick-some-little-brother ass?” He joked back with a lopsided grin. “They’re almost identical.”

“Like it’s Christmas and you just got a lump of coal.” Dogo said elbowing his eldest brother. “Though you are right it kinda looks like the I-want-breakfast face. Waffles. You need waffles. Hell, I need waffles. We all need waffles.”

“Cain!” Mal whistled again, two quick short blasts.

“I heard there might be waffles!” Cain said poking his head out of his door, his hair a wild mess. It had a mind of his own and there had been many attempts to tame it. All had failed.

“Are you even packed?” Dogo asked dryly.

“I’m packed.” Cain said defensively.

“Then why aren’t you ready?” Dogo asked his tone exasperated.

“I am ready.” Cain rolled his eyes.

“Then why aren’t you out here!” Dogo snapped.

Cain shrugged. “Lack of waffles.”

Dogo gave Mal a look. “Is Fratricide a valid option?”

“Fratricide is always an option,” Mal quipped.

“Ha ha.” Cain said making a face. “We all know I’m the best-looking and most socialized out of the three of us. You two would be lost, banging rock grunting something about making fire.” He teased slinging his back over the shoulder.

“Tragic accident? Tripped down an elevator shaft …” Dogo suggested to Mal.

“We don’t know how it happened, Lead,” He said, making his voice full of sorrow. “One minute, Cain was there, the next, we heard the yell.” He placed a hand to his forehead. “Then the thud.”

“Don’t think I won’t take you both down with me.” Cain said making a face at his brothers.

“So tragic. So young.” Dogo said with an overdramatic sniffle.

“Then we divvy your stuff,” Mal said, stopping in the kitchen to hand out MRE’s to his brothers. “In case there’s no waffles on the plane,” he offered.

“I call dibs on his unbuilt gundam models.” Dogo said quickly.

“How dare you.” Cain said shoulder bumping Dogo.

“I will build them in your memory …” Dogo defended.

“How are we blood related?” Mal asked wryly.

“The better question is how did they go so wrong with you and so right with me? The third times the charm.” Cain cackled smiling broadly.

“And it’s only murder if they find a body.” Dogo said pointedly.

“We’ll stop at a pig farm along the way,” Mal promised, herding the boys outside.

“Those poor pigs.” Dogo tsked as Mal nudged them along.

“Bull … it's to much work chopping a body up to feed to pigs. You both are too lazy to put int the work.” Cain accused.

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