Bombastic pt 4

Jai would have to wait, and hope the nanomites could heal him faster than his body could shut down, there was no time to tend to him as a large explosion inside the building convinced the chopper to back way the hell off.

Vas … hesitated, giving Nate a quick look and then back to Jai. Pains in the asses … had each other's back. He had no doubt Jai would be fine. At least in his opinion. Maybe a bit more humble but … physically he believed he would be fine.

Nate shoved Vas forward. They had an objective.

The Erinyes weren’t part of the hellhound project, but they were funded by the same research team, and right now, they were under serious attack. One of the boys, seventeenish in age from the first squad hung back to quickly brief Nate.

“We don’t know who or what is attacking or why, we do know a van full of ‘em got ‘napped. We got two trying to track ‘em down. We’re trying to see if there are any survivors from that past explosion,” he explained. “And there’s still hostiles in the building.”

Vas shifted uncomfortably, the feeling of leaving Jai behind not sitting well with him but it wasn't his call and it wasn't like they weren't going to pick his sorry ass up on the way back. He peered out from behind from on his taller brother to listen to what the older boy was reporting.

“We’ll secure this floor,” the older boy offered. “We’re trying to keep anyone in from getting out, and vice versa. Why don’t your boys clear from the top down?”

Vas tried not to huff as they pawned off what he saw as the baby stuff to them. Just cuz they were shorter. Sweep and clear. He didn't verbalize his complaint, if he did he would get an ear full for days about how good Hellhounds obey … blah blah blah … He trotted along bringing up the rear.

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