Bombastic pt 3

Nate climbed in last and gave the signal to the pilot who lifted the bird into the air. Before taking a seat he motioned to the boys to harness up, the chopper, and them for that matter, would be sitting ducks on the ground. Roping in was always the best option.

Vas like the reason slip on their harness silently and without complaints, quickly check there person's next to him and vice versa. Pains in the asses his brother might be but at the end of the day they had each other's back. Once ever was was harnessed and checked they all fell into line silently. For Vas is a moment to get in ‘the zone’ or whatever they called it. He was just full of nervous energy at the moment. Whatever that zone was, Vas wasn't near it.

The pilot motioned to Nate, who tapped the first boy, Jai, on the helmet. Jai wouldn’t have been his first choice, the guy was too over zealous, but then again, better over confident than under. He gave each of them a tap as he made his way to the back, the last to leave the chopper. Protocol. He was squad lead, if anyone came down with a case of the nerves or refused to go, his job was to coerce them. “Try not to do anything stupid,” He said over the chopper to Vas.

Vas looked around to see if that was directed at him. “You mean be absolutely amazing right?” He said dryly.

“Forgot who I was talking to. Just try not to die,” Nate said back with a grin.

“I'm too damn handsome to die. Duh.” Vas snorted with a broad grin as he fell into formation.

That advice would have been more helpful for Jai, who lay in a crumpled heap on the ground. There was no equipment failure, it was for the most part sheer carelessness on his end. It happened from time to time. Someone would get overzealous, miscalculate, or just plain overestimate their abilities. Hopped up on testosterone and adrenaline, Jai simply jumped without clipping in.

"Dumb bastard," Nate muttered, checking the remaining lines himself, including his own. Vas roped down into the night where the other hounds were already starting to fan out.

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