Bombastic pt 5

Zane had point, now that Jai was down, and Nate situated himself in front of Vas, as two by two they breached doors on either side, shining bright lights into darkened rooms.

“Why don't you boys clear from the top …” Vas mustered in a high-pitched voice, as he carefully swept his flashlight. He was convinced that’s what Zane actually sounded like now.

Nate snorted. “Not the first time you received shitty orders,” he said in a lowered tone motioning for Vas to check the next room.

Vas made a grumpy sound as he moved carefully to the next move, checking his corners before sweeping into the room.

One of the bunks was turned on its side, the whole room looked as if it had been ransacked. A barely audible cry was quickly silenced.

Vas’s flashlight quickly snapped in the direction of the down as he narrowed his eyes. “Who's there? Hands up!” Vas said firmly.

No one moved or made a sound, but a smattering of gunfire was heard in the distance.

Vas’s eye flick in the direction of the gun fire. “I mean it. Come out now or I will riddle you full of lead.” He said, clicking the safety.

There was a slight scuffle, then a young-looking girl of ten or eleven with long brown hair stood up, hands up but shielding her reddened eyes. “Don’t riddle me fulla lead!” she sniffled.

Vas's shoulders dropped a bit, clicking the safety back on. “Oh … it's just Erinyes. Come on kid, we're getting you out of here.” Vas motioned for her kid. “You okay? No holes in you? Nothing broken?”

“We’re not going anywhere with you!” A second voice called, lobbing a wind-up alarm clock towards the interloper like a grenade.

“What the hell?” Vas side stepping out of the way of the clock. “You know I’m the guy with a gun right?!”

A white sneaker with no laces, half colored with pink marker to resemble a Converse All Star shoe sailed next. “Stop!” A third voice warned, “you’re gonna get us shot!”

“Ya Goddamn right!” Vas snapped. “We're rescuing you sorry asses, not shooting you or ‘spolding you. Throw something at me one more time and I'll throw something right at your damn head … wait how many of you are there?” He asked, realizing there were now three distinct voices he noticed.

“Three,” the second girl, with light brown hair confessed, standing up with her hands held up.

“Traitor,” The third hissed. “More of us than there are of you!”

“We don’t want to be rescued,” the girl with mousy brown hair practically sobbed. “Just leave us alone, please!”

“Yea well orders are orders and the last thing you Wanna do is piss off a squad of Hounds! So fall in!” Vas said firmly.

“Don’t!” The third girl barked sharply. “It’s a trick!”

“C’mon,” the first said. “We should…”
he saw their squad leader waiting impatiently.

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