Knot like that

“I know but I still wana try. It’ll be nice, everyone swapping stories by the campfire, muching, playing games. We played paintball games last time and it was a blast.” Vas explained with a smile. “Plus you might get to show off your knots.”

“I’ll practice super hard then!” She said, crunching into an apple.

“I know you will. Unlike all the others you got a taste for survival outside.” Vas said a hint of pride in his tone. It was no secret that Vas favored Serena most.

“On account of you showed me knots an’ how to throw a punch.” she reminded him.

“You’ll be the most dangerous rabbit in the room.” Vas chuckled.

“I am the most dangerous rabbit in the room!” Serena corrected.

Vas laughed taking the apple and turning it thoughtfully before splitting it in half with his hands. He handed her the perceived bigger half. “I’ll show you a new knot tonight. Maybe something a little challenging.” He said chewing thoughtfully.

“And then camping?” Serena asked. “I mean, if you think about it…. no one said we couldn’t camp.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Vas promised tugging on a pigtail. “Been awhile since we did a just me and you thing anyway.”

“Forever,” Serena said in an exasperated voice. “An’ I heard they might be movin’ us soon.”

Vas stiffened suddenly. “Already?” He said without thinking. “So soon? When? I haven’t heard anything … why am I always the last to know these things!”
“It was just something I overheard,” Serena said, nibbling the edges of the apple. “I’m hopin’ it’s not true. I kinda like it here, even if we are distractin’.”

Vas snorted. “I don’t think any of you are distracting.” He grumbled. “I just think some don’t like the status quo disturbed.”

“Yeah, but we both know it doesn’t matter much what me or you think,” she reminded him. “If it were up to me, I’d live in the gym forever.”

“Tsk shoulda gotten your own bunks.” Vas muttered. “I know. Just … sucks. I like having you around, it breaks up my day and gives me something to look forward to when I come home.”

“It does suck,” Serena agreed. “I’m gonna lose the only person ever had my back no matter what.”

“Ya never know … Erinyas and Hellhounds go together like peanut butter and jelly. Side we don’t know for sure. Brass likes to chatter a lot so it could be just talk.” He said hopefully.

“An’ if I’m sad about it now, I’m gonna waste the time we got being sad,” she rationalized. “And it’s okay about camping. We did get to go once, I don’t wanna make anyone mad on account of they might make us leave sooner.”

“You’re too young to be such a worry wart. Careful, that's how you turn into Nate.” Vas teased in a whisper.

Serena giggled and covered her mouth. “Not now, not ever!” she promised. “But for now,” she shoved the remainder of the apple in her mouth. “New knotts!”

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