Camp For Real

Serena’s favorite part of the day was the two hours after supper. First, because she had a full belly, and second, because the hounds had a little free time. In her own free time, she practiced the knotts Vas had shown her, because, as he said, you never know when a good knott might come in handy.

Vas freshly washed and warm by a shower marching with the rest of the Hound hungry as ever. Serena was always easy to spot, pigtail and pink sweater, he waved at her first before getting his tray to load up for dinner. While Hounds in general needed no excuses to eat like horses, being in the cold seemed only to make the pack more famished then usual. One he was set he sat down and motioned for her to join him.

Serena put an extra apple on her tray and sat down at Vas’ table. “Heya!” She said, brightly. “Didja have a fun camp out with your brothers?”

“Well it's more training than anything, plus it was raining so no campfire. Did you practice the new knot I showed you?” Vas asked changing the subject.

“Sure did!” She said, pulling the shoelaces from her pocket. “See? An’ it slides and everything, just like you showed me.”

“Good work Rabbit!” Vas puffed with pride. “How is everyone doing in Tent City?”

She giggled, setting the second apple on his tray. “Good, mostly. I like having my own space, but I still wish we could camp for real. Someday, though, right? Maybe?”

“Yea, I can try asking. They might be twitchy about it but let me think on how to frame the request. Now that you're settled in and it's been awhile plus even Hellhounds need some RnR to blow off steam.” Vas chewed thoughtfully.

“It’s okay, I don’t wanna get you in any trouble,” she said. “Sides, ‘least we got to camp out once.”

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