Tent City

Days stretched into weeks, with the Erinyes still making their home in the gym. All of the hounds seemed to be enjoying the attention - all of them that is, except for Nate. It was hard to keep the squad focused when giggling girls showed up holding crayoned signs to ‘root’ for their ‘favorite hound’, and the hounds, in turn, worked like mad for attention. There was no talk of finding the others, no avenging mission. Just the six girls, in the gym,

True to his word, Vas found camping gear for Serena, who promptly set it up on the hardwood floor, setting her cot inside. Promptly was a stretch. She struggled quite a bit with the poles and Nylon until Vas helped out. The other girls begged some of the Hellhounds for the same, and soon, Tent City took over the corner of the indoor training room.

In retaliation, Nate purposely found reason to lead the squad into outdoor, overnight exercises anytime it rained.

“I’m telling you,” he said, sitting towards the front of his tent, warm and dry as his squad sat on logs in the rain. “They could be out of here tomorrow, and all they’ve done is turn you all into pussies.”

“You know I never understood the point of using genitalia as an insult …” A soaked Vas mused. “... And it's temporary so what's the harm? Can you blame the girl's? We swooped in like badasses and rescued them.” He pointed out. Vas long had given up the concept of dry so he was just embracing the suck at this point.

“Because you’re acting like a bunch of lovesick pups, wrapped around little kitten pinkies,” Nate criticized, but truth be told, he didn’t have much of a leg to stand on. With the Erinyes around, the Hounds trained harder, they went full out on everything, even the smallest, most mundane tasks. “They’re clouding your judgment.” He finally settled on. “Look at you - all of you, giving up your gear, freezing your asses off in the rain, and for what?”

“And yet not a single complaint. Brahv, you sound almost jealous.” Vas prodded. “Look instead of fighting it, work with it. You gotta be a bit more flexible man, you're never going to control the environment we go into. We're getting the job done, jumping our highest, running our fastest and all that.”

“And I don’t remember you mouthin’ off so much,” he chuckled.

Vas chuckled. “Hey, surviving a collapsible building changes a man … make him never want to ever climb another elevator cable wire again.” He said, wiping his nose. “Also I was always mouthy, you only just noticed it more now.” He teased.

“You were just so short the sound of your voice never reached all the way up to my ears,” Nate chuffed with a grin. “All right, drill is over. Get inside and shower up, this way I don’t have to face your fanbase in the morning calling me a big ole meanie.” He said the last part in a mock child’s voice.

Vas laughed getting up. “Don't worry Nate, you're still number one to me!” He said batting his eyes and made a heart with his hand and ran before Nat could throw something at his head.

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