A New Home

It was nothing short of a hugh relief to hit the showers, Vas had to scrub himself down twice before he felt clean. Clean and content he headed toward the barracks, taking the long way so he could pass by the gym to see if Rabbit was adjusting well. He really hoped she was.

Having talked the ears off the officers in her own debriefing, Serena showered, and like the rest of the Erinyes was now dressed in grey sweats, the only difference being she still wore the pink unicorn sweatshirt she and Vas had found while looking for blankets. She sat cross legged on the bed, regaling the harrowing tail of bombs and escapes in an animated fashion to the remaining Erinyes, held captive partly by her words, but also because there was little to do in the stark gym where several cots were shoved into a corner. Now and then, she would sit up straighter, puffing out her chest to emulate something Vas had said. “And,” she bragged, “he said that it was a team effort that we survived, and that they can show us how to fight so next time someone comes in an’ tries to steal us, we can kick a little ass. That’s what Hellhounds say,” she added knowingly.

“We got to ride in a helicopter!” One of the Erinyes said proudly, but Serena was too focused on the mohawked punk by the door.

“Puppy!” She said excitedly, hopping off the cot, near tripping on the long length of the sweatpants that covered her socked feet.

“Rabbit.” Vas beamed. “Just came to check on ya you get something to eat? Look at you all cleaned up.”

Serena giggled and scrunched up her shoulders. “Yeah huh, I got a protein bar an’ a bottle of ice cold water,” she said happily. “You clean up good too. I was tellin’ ‘em how brave you are,” she waved an absent hand towards the 5 pairs of eyes now staring in his direction. “An how you climbed an elevator shaft, an’ how we climbed down the side of the building.” She put a hand to the side of her mouth. “I didn’t get to the part about camping yet,” she whispered loudly. “Oh! And they gave me new clothes an’ a new toothbrush an’ new toothpaste that tastes like mint. They didn’t have pink, but that’s okay,” she prattled.

“Good I'm glad you're settling in well. I dunno much on what the plan is myself but don't let me interrupt! You got a story to tell. They're sending me to rest so I'm gonna crash for a bit, long day in debrief. But I'll keep checking in and I'm not far if you need anything.” Vas assured. “Just down that way and they got the bunks marked.” He motioned down the hall.

Serena nodded. “An’ I remember, I won’t call you Puppy in front of the other Hellhounds like you said. What happened to our camping gear?”

“Thanks. Not sure but might have gotten trashed. But you got plenty to work with and I'll see about requisitioning a real tent for you.” Vas promised. “No harm in asking and since we don't know how long you will be staying might as well try to make the most of it and keep you all comfortable.” He reasoned. “So don't you worry.”

“I hope we stay,” she said, crossing her fingers. “This is the best place ever.”

“Yea guess thats why I stayed so long.” Vas joked. “I won’t mind so much, Nate … might chew through his boot.” He whispered. “Behave … but to much.” He said before yawning. “I’ll catch you later Rabbit.”

“See ya later, Vas!” she said, before strutting back to her cot. “That was Vas,” she informed the Erinyes. “Bravest hellhound there is, an’ we’re friends.”

Vas chuckled as he headed to his bunk. He did hope they stayed. It was a nice change of pace, sure as hell broke up the monotony.

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