Bombastic pt 2

Vas fell in line with the other boy fighting a bit as he tried to stand still. The other seemed much better at standing still and of all things in the world standing still was hands down the most boring and dull of activities.

Nate stood at the front of his squad at parade rest, his hands tucked into the small of his back, while their leader counted heads.

“Suit up.” The leader ordered. “Real World Occurrence at Facility two-nine. We have one squad en route but we have reports of this being larger scale.”

Nate tried to steel his emotions to prevent a grin from creeping over his face. RWO, what they train for.

“Transport leaves in four minutes,” the handler barked. “Move!”

Vas stiffened when the squad lieutenant said Real World Occurrence. As is … real deployment. Not a drill, not a test. Real action. A real chance for them to prove their worth, all of them. He couldn't help but wonder if they thought the squad was ready and was really ready for consistent active duty.

Vas thought so. But that was his opinion. He scrambled with the rest of his unit hurriedly hearing up for the mission.

The mission! A real mission.

Boots stepping triple time against the concrete floor as the boys ran to suit up. Each pulled on a flak jacket and helmet for protection, but more importantly, each grabbed an automatic rifle, as well as several ammo clips, and an assortment of grenades and flashbangs for their webbing.

“Move!” Nate snapped, breaking the near silence. His voice was deeper, more serious, though inside he was near giddy with anticipation. Real world. Hopefully this wasn’t another shitty false alarm. They were hounds - hellhounds, they needed to stretch their legs and put hours of training to good use. It was about damn time.

He roughly shoved each of the other seven boys as they left the dorm, trying to get some adrenaline flowing. This was his squad. none of them best fuck this up, or he’d personally see to it they were recycled down to custodial services.

Vas, somehow always got shoved to the back. Maybe it was a height thing. Or maybe they were just being dicks. Either way he tapped his temper down and swore someone was going to find rat shit under their pillow tonight. He ran keeping the formation tight as the wound to the helipad where a chopper waited. He could hear the sound of it winding up long before they stepped foot on the tarmac and started to quickly file in.

There was no other instructions from their handler, and Nate prefered it that way. They were going in hot, and not knowing what they were up against was just part of the program. Train for everything, then you’re ready for anything. He stood outside the chopper as the squad climbed in. He slapped the back of Vas’ helmet so hard it crashed into the hull of the craft.

Vas helm thonked on the hull of the chopper. He said something rude but the noise of the chopper drowned him out as he quickly climbed. Ideally before Nate got the mind to bitch slap him again. He grumpily took his seat and buckled in.

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