Bombastic pt 22

Throughout the night, Serena held tight to Vas’ shirt, making sure he didn’t leave, but her grip loosened as soon as she drifted off, her eyes not opening again until morning. “You’re hungry again?” She murmured, her eyes not yet open.

Vas had slept hard and was only vaguely aware that Rabbit was talking. “Hmm … im always hungry.” He murmured not making any moved to wake up or get out of there makeshift tent anytime soon. Vas was not eager to greet the morning at the moment.

Serena put her hand on his chest, still feeling warm and content. “Five more minutes,” she told them both.

“I demand ten …” Vas murmured quietly.

“Promise, honest and swear,” She said in a whisper.

Vas was asleep already and Serena only got a lackuster grunt.

Serena was awake, but didn’t move except to hold onto his shirt. She was content to let him sleep.

Vas was slow to wake and he cracked a eye open to look down and see if Serena was awake or not. Mostly to determine how much longer he could get away getting some extra snoozing.

Serena, who had been staring at him, waved her fingertips by way of greeting.

Vas booped her nose. “Damn I was so sure that was the snooze button.” He joked his voice a bit froggy.

Serena giggled. “You don’t have to wake up yet,” she said, scrunching her nose like a bunny. “I’m not in any rush.”

He booped her nose again. “Naw to late the snoose button is busted.” Vas yawned and stretched. “We got work to do, find our way home and to a shower, we smell.”

“Mostly you,” she said with another small laugh.

“Oh I see how it is, you saying I smell worse then you so you smell better by comparison.” He teased sitting up. Oofah was he sore. The having a concrete landing collapse under you did him no favors. Cuts and injuries? No problem. Lactic acid build up? The nanomites he was sure told him to just suck it up. “We should take this with us. Just in case.” He suggested motion to their makeshift tent.

“You’re bigger,” Serena said matter of fact. “So there’s more of you.”

Vas laughed. “Thats fair. I am more noticeable.” He smirked. “Wana help fold up everything and pack it up? Then we can find breakfast.”

“I can do that,” Serena offered. “I’m a great folder!” But despite the claim, she decidedly was not.

Vas patient as ever showed her the how roll up the blankets tightly and properly so they took up as little room as possible and didn’t unroll. When it came to roll it all in the sleeping back Vas made sure to show her how to kno it all undoing the knot and helping her do it. “ … learning knots is a crazy useful skill. Come in handy more than you think and see … the extra here you can can carry it cross body and you hand are no free! Wana try the knots one more time?” Vas offered.

“Yes!” Serena said happily. “I like the one where you make the bunny ears and wrap it around and pull it through!”

Vas laughed. “Okay one more time …” He said unknoting it all for her to try one time. “ … Then lets get something to eat.”

Serena’s tongue lolled out out of the side of her mouth while she worked, concentrating on the knot. “Yeah, on account of your nanomites are still hungry,” she said absently.

“Yea, tell me about it. I can see know why the feel us protein bars now.” Vas chuckled. “Just like that. Good … and give it a bit of tug here make sure it’s not too loose …” He pointed watching her fingers work.

Serena tugged the knott, almost surprised that it tightened right up as intended. “Like that?” She asked.

“Yep! And your all done!” Vas beamed. “You got a knack for it. I make sure to teach you a few more useful ones, later.” He complimented.

“Okay!” Serena agreed. “On account of it’s a crazy useful skill!”

With everything packed Vas stood stretching to work out the kinks and started to lace up his boots. “I can carry it if you want Rabbit. Since you got a good nose for finding food we can make that you mission today?”

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