The Road Home

“I’m on it!” She said happily. “I betcha we can find another faulty machine your nanomites interfere with. Question is… what do you wanna eat? I hope it’s a candy machine!”

“Well I definitely want real food for breakfast but … I would love dessert after! Real chocolate or ice cream oh … a doughnut! With sprinkles and cream …” Vas said dreamily.

“I love ice cream!” Serena said happily. “I hope we find that… after we find you food of course. I never been in a city like this. Maybe we can stay a whole nother night. Or… or… get an appointment. I can get a job, a job in an ice cream palace. I bet you I’d make the greatest ice cream in the city.”

“If and only if we don’t find a way to make contact with Tartarus. Food, dessert and contact Tartarus. Thoes are the objectives.” Vas stated in his moth authoritative voice as they headed back onto the roof.

“Right, right,” Serena said dejectedly. “They’re gonna let the Erinyes stay there?”

“Well it’s not my call but I think you and your own might stay with us for a spell, till they find somewhere safer to house you. There is probably an investigation, They probably have is go on the offensive, we might try to recover your friends. It won’t be forever of course but like I said. Not my call, I can only speculate. Me personally? I wouldn't mind it. You're kinda cool.” Vas said as they made there way down the fire escape.

“I am,” Serena agreed. “You are too. I wonder how many of them are gonna be there. Us. I mean. The Erinyes. What happens if we can’t find a phone to use?”

“We will and we won’t stop till we do. I gotta prove to them all I ain’t dead and they’re idiots for thinking a building falling on me could stop me.” Vas chuckled as he helped the girl off the firescape onto the dumpster and onto the ground.

“On account of you’re made from some pretty stern stuff,” Serena parroted.

“Damn right, I am. Takes a hell of a lot to put a Hellhound down for good.” Vas said puffed with pride.

“Do you think they’re looking for you?” Serena asked, wishing her shoes had laces to practice on.

“Naw, not if you said they think on KIA.” Vas admitted. “But well prove ‘em all wrong in short order.” He said as they walked out of the ally. Vas was already starting to feel a little self-conscious about how they looked compared to everyone else. They looked like they had crawled out of a hole after escaping a war. This was fairly accurate but there just seemed a stark contrast to their dirty scruffy appearance compared to everyone else walking around. Vas fought the urge to dust himself off because it wouldn’t do a damn thing other than spread more dirt around. “Maybe we should add a shower to the list …” He murmured. People might be hesitant to even be near them given how rough they looked.

“But from where?” Serena asked, looking around. “We can’t get someone to lend us a phone let alone use a shower.”

Vas took a deep breath. “Well figure it out. First things first. Food right? I think we can think better with full bellies.”

Serena’s stomach rumbled when she saw people through a window, seated at tables, eating amazing looking food off real dishes. “Food,” she agreed, skipping alongside him to keep up.

Vas ambled along with Serena skipping along side and with no real direction to go they just kind of followed their nose. They soon found themselves at what looked like a little food quart area with food stalls of people making fresh food, a small seating area that looked crammed with people, and on the far side row of vending machines with anything anyone might need for a meal on the go.

Knowing they had less than nothing Vas avoided the food stall but damn was the smell of murder on his hungry belly. Thankfully the vending machine had pleasantly, hot food, soups, comfort food, cold and hot drinks … the works. It may not be as fresh as what was being hawked at the stall but it was equally good looking and Vas was really hoping for the cake in a can … that looked like a perfect dessert. All the while he while he was trying no to drool from all the option.

“Okay Rabbit … can you sus out which ones will work for us?” Vas asked quietly.

Serena looked around at the vending machines. “Yeah huh,” she nodded. “Any of ‘em. Your nanomites interfere, so… any of ‘em should work. That’s what I think. What do you want? Something hot? A sandwich? “

“Hot for sure … Ohh look this one comes with fries!” Vas oggled.

“Try it,” Serena said with a nod. “Maybe it’ll work again!”

“You sure? It cant be interfering with all these machines … can it?” Vas asked lookingat the machine again as if it should look different or there should a blinking light or … an error. He pressed the picture of a meal that looked really good and had fries with it.

Serena shrugged, then narrowed her eyes at the machine briefly. Just as before, it began to whir, and the smell of fresh cooked french fries wafted their way.

“Oh wow look how fresh it is! Still steaming and sizzling!” Vas said like he was a kid all over again.”as he picked up the bowl gingerly. “What are you having?”

“The same.” Serena said, pressing the same buttons. “On account of it looks good.”

“Smells even better.” Vas said with a. Big smile while the machine whirred and cooked Serena meal. He waited patiently, not wanting to eat without her.

Serena took the piping hot bowl, clinking it to Vas’ before digging in.

“Do you think they’re looking for me?” She asked, inbetween trying to blow her food cool.

“You? No clue. Don’t know much about the Erinyes program. They don’t tell us much of anything, they tell us what we need to know about that kind of stuff no more no less.” Vas explained. Blowing on a steaming french fry.

“I meant by whoever attacked. I know they won’t attack Tarter Sauce, but wherever they put us next.” She explained.

“Oh … I don’t have a reason to think it wouldn’t be safe.” He said thoughtfully chewing. “I would think that the would take you to a pace better and safer so it won’t happen again you know? You and your own have gotta be pretty important of they send a bunchof hounds to extract you all.” Vas pointing out savering the warm salty fries.

“I don’t feel pretty important,” Serena shrugged. “But what you’re sayin’ makes sense.”

Vans brimmed. “Well you are. Youre my chage and I’ll get you back safe and sound. So you can be safer … and … sounder.”

“Hopefully it’ll take a little time,” She said, plucking another fry from the plate. “Or a lotta time.”

“Getting back?” Vas asked with a slight tilt of his head. “Do … you … not want to go back home?”

“My home is kinda gone,” Serena reminded him. “I liked camping though, even if it wasn’t under the stars.” She giggled. “It was close. It was under the stairs! She laughed at her own joke.

“Ha! Hilarious.” Vas snorted. “Your home is isn’t gone just … in temporary renovation.” He smirked. “Hey who know maybe while your staging with up we can do real camping, like with realt tent, with trees and food over a fire kinda thing. Learn more knots and stuff.” Vas said keeping things upbeat. Though Hellhound camping was a bit more … dropped in the wilds and told to be back in a three days. “I mean if were playing host to some Erinyes they might allow it right? No harm in at least asking about it.”

“I hope!” Serena said, a new spring in her step. “I bet you’re the best camper out of any of the hellhounds! An’ maybe our new home will be close enough.”

“It’s a team effort. Hellhound work in pack you know. Were good on our own but together? Unstoppable.” Vas said proudly. “Like you and me? Together we got this.”

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