Bombastic pt 21

Vas chuckled. He had to be much more careful, he was bigger and the tops of the dumper might not tolerate his weight. Balancing himself along the edge he reached up to pull himself up before reaching all the way down to pull the pink pig tailed Rabbit.

Serena bicycle kicked her legs and giggled, it was close to flying!

Vas dragged up the girl trying not to chuckle while making a ‘sh’ sound. “Almost there, now for the long walk up.” Vas whispered. Nothing like cardio after a meal.

“At least the building isn’t falling down,” Serena reminded him. “I can climb up, just like you. “

“All facts.” Vas agreed and they trudged up. “Dunno about but I could fall asleep standing up.”

“I’m not sleepy,” Serena told him, widening her eyes to show how awake she was. “But I think maybe a little rest will do us good, ‘specially on account of I heard you should rest after eating a lotta noodles.”

“Yea?” Vas smirked. “Makes sense. I did eat a lot of noodles.” He admitted as the duo went up and up and up. “Almost there rabbit. How them hippity hippity legs of yours?”

“I think they lost their hop,” She told him. “I think the noodles turned ‘em into noodles.”

“Don't worry a little more, we're almost to the top and then you can rest your feet.” Vas said brightly as they rounded up the stairs to the last flight.

The top gave a good view of the city and the city lights, it was a bit cooler. It was high enough that it caught a consistent breeze, it was flat open and there was much there except a door to the inside of the building with a cheap lock holding it closed.

“We’re so high up!” Serena said, looking around, as she stifled a yawn. “What can I do to help?”

“Well … not much. It's a bit windy up here.” He looked around, seeing there wasn't much of anything. Nothing to help break the wind and without that they would get cold pretty quick. Vas took a look at the lock. He was confident he could take it on … they could sneak under a stairwell, make a nice pup tent and be safe and warm too. Vas wrapped his finger around the cheap lock and yanked. “Oh look, the door was open.” He said innocently.

“Another lucky break!” Serena said happily. “On account of it might rain.”First the food an’ now this! Oh, an’ don’t worry, I’ll use my most inside inside voice.”

“Yea super lucky!” Vas beamed, letting her go in first. “I'm so keeping you.” He laughed.

The inside of the building was cool and dry, a stark comparison to outside which Serena thought made everything feel like you took a shower and put your pajamas on before drying off. Her clothes stuck uncomfortably to her skin, even the unicorn sweatshirt which they’d just found.

“Nice.” Vas said closing the door quietly behind him. He walk down the stair to the landing checking the area out. It look like there was another door, and peeing throught he small windown in the door another set of stair before it looked like it when down to the apartment. The was a perfect nook under the stairwell, that went from the landing to the roof, it might be just enough out of the way that if someone peeked in the might be noticed right away. “Let set up a place to sleep for the night.” he yawned.

It wasn’t going to the prettiest thing but it would be warm, and safe. He found a place to tie the extension cord he found and started hanging a could of the worn fleece blanket over them. The cord was long and two blankets where plenty to make a slightly sagging pup tent he rolled out the sleeping back inside and rolled the last banket into a thin pillow. It wasn’t a lot but at the moment it look pretty tempting to fall asleep on. Vas just hoped they would both fit.

“Camping. As promised.” Vas motioned proudy.

“It’s amazing,” Serena said happily. “I wish I wasn’t sleepy on account of then we could do camping things. Next time,” she said through a yawn.

“Next time for now, we earn ourselves some sleep don’t you think?” Vas motioned for the rabbit to go in first. “Don’t forget to take off your shoes.” He reminded.

Serena nodded obediently and took off her marker colored sneakers, lining them up carefully before crawling into the tent, making herself small as possible so Vas could fit.

Vas unlaced and worked off his combat boots, which by now where scuffed and dusty. He shimmedin next to Serena. The day had been long and hard. Now that he has stopped it felt like exhaustion was now catching up with him. The sleeping bag mad the floor that much softer and help him fell warm. He rolled to his side as he settled in trying to share the small space with the Rabbit.

Serena burrowed under his arm, leaning an ear against his chest, letting out a content sigh. “Good night, Puppy,” she said, closing her eyes. After a brief pause, under her breath she added: “good night to you too.”

At first Vas was taken aback by Rabbits insta burrowing against him. It had happened so fast and he had been a little stunned by the time he was able to react the kid had already passed out like a light. He felt a little awkward. Not from a body being close to him, him. He and his brother were not unsed to being packed in like sardines. It just felt different. Maybe because she was seeking comfort from him and the idea was not something he was used to. Either way it was too late, he wasn’t going to be a dick about it. Kid had a hard day too and at the end of it couldn’t blame her for seeing somthing to comfort her. So he let it slide tonight. Vas settle back down as they kept each other warm and he quickly feel asleep a protective arm around his Rabbit.

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