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View character profile for: Olin Ragnulf

View character profile for: Varan Eriksson
Olin & Varan - Immune to your charms
“Me? No. I’m feigning ignorance, which - when it gets back to him, and we both know, it will get back to him, I’ll be berated for not keeping a better eye on your whereabouts, but I plan to say she changes hair color so often, I believed you to be having sex with several different people, not the same one repeatedly. If I tell him myself, I’ll be scheduling dates with people he considers suitable in the hopes that you find a match that aligns with his vision. As for this music nonsense, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a hobby, a passing phase.”
“Oooh thats good. Your good.” Olin said drying his hair. “Yea a ‘Phase’ thats lasted since before you were hired.” He snorted toos the towl into the hamper. “What am I even wearing today.” He grumbled going into the walm in closet. Well less closet and more like a small room that even had it’s own seating. It was closet to him.
“I recommend your khakis and a blue button down,” Varan told him. “I have a reservation for you at eight at The Summer Dragon, Asian fusion, casual. I didn’t secure you a dinner companion, but several up-and-comers do eat there, and it will be good for you to be spotted. Also, you’ll want to look casual when you stop by the Fjord foundation to drop off a check. I’m spinning it so you’re DJ’ing to earn money for the charity.”
“I would legit DJ for charity. Is that a thing I can do? I would so do it. Can I put a wish list together? Also, no I won’t think about packing … why am I packing again? Is this for the Singapore thing? Cyd isn’t coming so it'll be significantly less fun. If it’s not the Singapore thing … can it be the Singapore thing because I'm sure it will be more fun than the alternative.” Olin huffed rifling through clothing to find the recommending outfit.
“I can absolutely set up a charity for your DJing venture - were you paid a fee for last night’s performance? Not the one that involved your coffee table,” Varan asked, crinkling her nose. “For DJing?”
“In the sprawl? God no! It was my first time. They were doing me a huge favor I might want a few under my belt but yes we can start talking about charity events … Oh! Lollapalooza hasn’t passed right?” He asked half dressed to check his phone. “No. Good … Oh Cyd has to play there … oh maybe we could have a Dj battle!” He said with almost a loving sigh. “She would kick my ass …”
“I can probably get you on the ticket for Chicago in August,” Varan said, pulling a tablet from her ever present messenger bag. “I’ll talk to the event coordinators and see what we can arrange. You should decide on a charity. Nothing too controversial, but it should be personal.” She tapped her pen to her chin, thinking of options. “The last thing we want people to think is that you’re doing this because you need income.”
“Do a charity for kids. Anyone who cries boo about this is a monster. Right? Oh Boys & Girls Clubs of America … didn’t we do a thing for them before in Atlanta? I’ll talk to Cyd … “ He pausd talking a breath. “... She might say no.” Olin said in a thouhgful voice. “She probably … definitely say no …”
Varan clicked her pen closed, and gave Olin a stern look. “I’ll set this up - for you, because charity work is good for your PR, and because I know you’ll offer other concessions in return. What I’m not going to do is play entertainment manager to someone who won’t be a blip on your radar in two weeks. That simply is not part of my job description, understood?”
“Your going to squeeze concessions out of me for doing charity work? Varen! Think of the children!” Olin tsked.
“Yes,” Varan decided. “Yes I am. Your first concession - drop off this check, smile for a photo, I’ve let Liam know, he’ll meet you there to take a few press photos. After that you have some free time, I recommend visiting the pool above the penthouse- get some color on your Edward Cullen skin. Then your dinner reservation.”
“Varan I’m Norwegin not a vampire.” Olin said rolling his eyes. “I’m supposed ot be pale. I don’t tan I burn.” He norted. “So what I heard was if I want Cyd in on this adventure thats on me?”
“I need to maintain plausible deniability which I can’t do if I’m making reservations for her to go to Chicago with you.” Varan crinkled her nose again. “Which, you’re welcome for. Can she even travel? She’s a citizen? I highly doubt that.”
“Why is everyone making such a big deal over that.” Olin said grumpily. “It’s not lie loopholes, caveats and exploits don’t exist. It as impossible as people think if happen to know the right people. She’s really talented you know … and not just musically.”
Varan let her eyes fall back to the coffee table. “So I can see,” she said dryly.
“Seriously when was the last time you got laid … might improve your mood.” Olin said trying a third blue button down.
“I don’t know about that. Seems to me you’ve had copious amounts, and you sound cranky,” she said back with a chuckle, downing the rest of her coffee.
“I’m just saying. A good lay might do you wonder. What’s you type? Tall dark workaholic? I might know a guy … or girl. Both?” Olin said trotting down stair tot he kitchen.
“One of the reasons your father hired me is that I wouldn’t fall prey to your charms, she emphasized.
“We arn’t talking about my charm but the charm of some yet to be determined stud or whatever your preference is to get you to relax for once.” Olin said exasperated.
“I’m your handler,” she reminded him. “When you give me a day without a PR nightmare? I’ll relax. You drop off the check, I’ll work from home for the remainder of the day while your apartment is fumigated.”
“Thats … still working!” Olin said crossing his arms. “Party. Tonight.”