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View character profile for: Olin Ragnulf

View character profile for: Varan Eriksson
Olin & Varan - Let's make a deal
“Party. Tonight.”
“In the penthouse?” Varan said, looking horrified. “We have zero time to cater or get the place up to standards in one night. Can’t you find one of your drug fests to go hobnob at? Try to bring home a different courtesan?”
“I wasn’t thinking at the penthouse but if it makes you more comfortable … I can swing something a little intimate …” Olin shrugged. “... I was thinking the one of the parties on Ironwood … like i said fi your more comfortable here. I’m happy to accommodate.”
Varan shot him a look. “Go. Check drop off. Liam will be waiting for you.”
“Party? Ironwood?” Olin asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Fine. Ironwood. Three hours, and in exchange, you brunch with the Kivinen’s Sunday. I think Pia’s been smitten with you for a bit now, Reijo and Joel are in town too. I think your father would like to see you hobnobbing with the children of one of his top execs.
“Isn’t Pia the clingy one? Or is that some other -ia, Oh no is she the rude one?” Olin made a face. “Reijo and Joel are okay. Snobby but not as bad as some. Fine. Dress appropriately though or you’ll force me to dress you and I know in spite of my fabulous taste you don’t want that.” Olin said getting some popping a can if ice coffee from the fridge.
“She’s insecure,” Varan clarified.”But knows how to behave in public. Can you say the same for…” she motioned again to the coffee table.
“What about the coffee table? Is the coffee table … insecure?” Olin said rasing his eyebrow looking at the it. “How can you even tell?”
Varan gave a disgusted look. “I was talking about your doxy girl.”
“Varan. What century are you from. Doxy? Really? Who even uses that!” Olin said shaking his head giving her judgy look. “Is she a doxy because she’s have sex with me or because she in control of herself and has sex with whom she wants when she wants? Or are you suggesting I’m paying for her time?” Olin asked crossing his arms.
“Like I said, it’s not like you to drink from the same well twice. And I was strongly inferring that perhaps her intentions are more than having sex with you.” Varan clarified.
“That dosn’t make her a doxy that makes her a gold digger.” Olin corrected. “God forbid I enjoy her company and we have more then a few things in common, things can take to you or anyone else with.” He pointed out.
“What could you possibly have in common?” Varan challenged.
“A passion for music, we have similar tastes in art, she’s actually fun to talk to, and we also shae the fact who lack the fuck to care what other people think of us.” Olin explained with a motioned.
Varan sighed. “Its easy to not give a fuck what people think when no one has an opinion of you at all. It’s your reputation that will be damaged. I’m not telling you not to act like baboons in heat, or whatever you’d like to describe it as, I’m telling you as your handler, as your friend, that getting attached is a bad idea.”
“So basically get my kicks in while I can before I’m put into a loveless marriage with an overbred heiress. You know I was one a galla where a Russian oligarch was trying set me up with his daughter and compared her to the his prized thoroughbred and how our “foals” would winners. There was a lot of horse breeding referenced I do not wish to repeat. My point is the picture your painting is pretty godamned bleak so pardon if my reputation take a temporary hit so I make a genuine connection with someone while i have no matter how brief.” Olin huffed.
Varan held up her hands in concession. “I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I didn’t at least try to protect you,” she explained. “But if you find horse breeding repugnant, I’ll start referring to her as your mare.”
“Please, I know far too much about horse breeding because that encounter and I will give you a detailed retelling if you do it that.” Olin pointed at her. “I do appreciate everything you do. I do. Really. You have more patience then I will in two lifetimes. I can only hope you understand my willful … need … to not think too far ahead.”
“All right.” She acquiesced. “I’ll make a deal with you. As long as you fulfill your business obligations, and give me a little to work with PR wise, I’ll make sure you have downtime for your music hobby, and I’ll concern myself less with your other recreational activities and activity cohorts. Just please be honest with me. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.”
“I have always been honest with you. I couldn’t hide my activities from you if I tried.” Olin said make a less the subtle look at the coffe table. “If you get a text from me with croissant in bold letters it means Pia is Piaing up the place and I need you to bail me out.”