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View character profile for: Olin Ragnulf

View character profile for: Varan Eriksson
Olin & Varan - Should I be concerned?
It was almost 2 pm when Varan opened the curtains to Olin’s apartment, after he’d texted a rather firm “Do Not Disturb” message, and ensured his Penthouse Door would stay locked until he himself opened it with a thumbprint. “People will start associating you with Edward Cullen,” she chastised.
Olin groaned putting his head under a pillow. “Do not associate me with a dysfunctional vampire who can’t foster a healthy relationship writien by an adult induging her teenage fantasy. Also that movies grossed 408 million at the box office … I do not understand people. Why are you here!?”
“One, because your well being is part of my job, and two, because I keep your schedule.” she replied, opening another set of curtains. “And three, you know an awful lot about Twilight.”
“But it’s a weekend!” Olin said burying himself deeper in th his bed like a tick. “Also everyone knows about that. Literally everyone. It was inescapable. Everything I said, you can find online.”
“I stand by what I said,” Varan told him. “And for the record, Team Jacob.”
“He absolutely got shafted.” Olin agreed. “Am I the only one in the family who understands the sacredness of the weekend?”
“I told you I could keep you free Friday into Saturday, but that meant a little sacrifice after,” Varan reminded him. “I trust you had a successful night?”
“Mostly. She couldn’t go to Sinapore. But beyond that … I have video! You wana see?” Olin smiled yawning as he sat up.
“Of your foray into the music industry, or do I have to worry about a porno of you and your bedazzled bimbo surfacing?” Varan asked, serious about both.
“First, I never record anything I wouldn’t want the internet to see and two if I did a porno it would be epic and amazing.” He winked. “My partner was pretty damn amazing too. I mean if you're that curious I absolutely could … ” Olin trailed off thoughtfully.
“What happened to not drinking from the same well twice?” Varan asked, trying to ignore his thinly veiled threat. . “Especially in a row. Should I be concerned?” She went to set her paper cup full of coffee down on the polished glass coffee table in the sitting area, but after seeing what she could only assume were body prints, she clutched her cup tightly deciding not to touch anything until the cleaning crew made their rounds.
“Yea you don’t … there you can sit over there … thats … um safe.” Olin waved at a spot clearing his throat. “Wait? Concerned about what?” He asked making a face.
“I’ll stand, thanks,” Varan said, moving away from the furniture. “Can you please designate a ‘clean’ room, maybe?” She made a disgusted face herself, moving closer to the kitchen area. “Concerned that she’s getting attached? You know how this ends.”
“Varan … you're taking such an interest in my sex life. Should *I* be concerned.” Olin teased.
“Should I be concerned?” She asked in response, a small shake of her head. “Your father pays me to be your handler. That means I also handle your PR, what if it gets back to him that you’re seeing some… person for more than just sowing oats?”
“You are making a compelling argument for me to make a sex tape. I’m just saying.” He joked getting up to head to the bathroom for a shower. “What does it matter anyway, god forbid I find someone who is actually interesting to be around more then once. Oh no … there goes Olin making friend with people with tattoos and hair dye.”
“Making friends, fine. Making the next generation of Ragnulf? Varan said, not hiding the look of judgment on her face. “I also worry about you. That you’ll get attached.”
“I can feel the judgment from here.” Olin said loudly from the bathroom. “So what? Other then you who would even know? Oh right, you would get a sex tape to show my father.”