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Island Girls: Part 2
Nikita was already homesick, and they hadn't even taken off. At least the girls seemed friendly, and some of them seemed to know each other, which Nikita took as a good sign. They liked it well enough to go back, and, apparently liked each other enough to trade goods that were left behind.
"Yea, we're kind of like a sisterhood here. You would think there would be more competition but there is plenty to go around like when Toreme boots with a size too small … devastating by the way … Klara traded me a Louis Vuitton Purse for it." The two girl's fist bumped.
"I got your back boo." Klara smirked.
“They really just leave stuff like that behind?” Nikita asked. She wasn’t into any of that, but she also couldn’t afford any of that to be into. “And what do we do, exactly?”
"When you're rich to the point you can't conceptualize how rich you are, a set of two thousand dollar shoes might as well come from Payless. Lots of these people are not connected at all to reality." Jasmine snorted and there was a round of agreement. "Orientation will get into specifics, and it is extremely comprehensive, but our job basically entails us running around in fashionable bikinis and making sure the guests are having a good time, get whatever they need, hospitality stuff. Depending on your skill set you might get nudged to a specific guest if you considered a SME on something. We do lots of standing and looking pretty, we'll act as extra bodies to make parties look bigger for events …"
"Like the barge party …" Klara piped up.
"That was crazy." Another girl, Yalena, shook her head.
"... stuff like that. You are going to learn tons of tips and tricks." Jasmine explained. "And you're never alone, so you always have someone nearby to help you."
“That’s good,” Nikita agreed. “To have back up, I mean. And barge parties? I can’t wait!”
"You get paid extra for that kind of stuff and it's loads of fun, because really you're only there to dance, make the birthday person feel special and get your picture taken a lot." Jasmine explained.
"The food is always amazing and the amount of booze is ridiculous." Yalena commented.
"Trust me, resist the urge to drink too much and …" Klara added.
"Chase everything with water." They all recited and laughed.
"Keep you from having a hangover the next day." Jasmine told Nikita and the Limo drew closer to the airport.
“I’m 18,” Nikita admitted. “So I can’t really drink yet, but I do love a good party!”
"Private island,” Jasmine reminded her. “No drinking age, and those barge parties? Not sailing from the US and they are in international waters. So you're solid." Jasmine pointed out.
Nikita wasn’t about to say she promised Nike, so instead, she nodded enthusiastically. “This is going to be an amazing summer!” She practically squealed.
"Trust me there is a lot to learn, you'll work, you'll have fun, get swag, get paid and make connections you would never have otherwise gotten a chance to. My biggest lesson on my first go? It's not about what you know, it's who you know." Jasmine said as the Limo rolled to a stop and the door opened inside of a hanger.
The girl's filed out as the luggage was packing into storage. The inside of the jet was plush seating with tables, there was a bar in the back and selection of snacks and food for them given the length of the trip.
Nikita had never been on a private jet, but the champagne flowed, and it was much more comfortable than being shoved in like sardines on a commercial flight. The recliners fully reclined, which - as much as she didn’t want to miss a thing, after 9 or so hours, most everyone was sleeping it off.
They were not kidding when they said the flight was long, a grueling 14 hours. Well, grueling was relative when. There were free drinks, food, entertainment and seats as comfortable as a lazy boy. There was also apparently a full sized bathroom with a modest shower.
GROUP CHAT FAM >So we’re on the way.< Nikita messaged. >Jet is amazing, but miss you all already<
The intercom crackled to life as the pilot announced their arrival. From the view in the plane it was clear the island was not small. She could see the building, the landing strip, the docks, farm land and more building scarfed around and lots of much tropical forests as the plane slowly circled, depending down to land.
Nikita snapped a picture from the plane window and sent it to her family, wishing Nikka was there to see it with her. This was WAY better than the musty old giant ball of twine!
GROUP CHAT FAM >Check out this island!!!!< Nikita messaged.