Mathias Gets Mugged - Part 1

Mathias yawned. Full, happy, and flush with cash from a hard night's work, he walked home in the graying dawn down familiar streets and alleys he had walked through since he was a kid. He was already thinking about later that night, bills, rent, supplies and how the apartment was in dire need of a deep clean … most of all he was already thinking about sleep.

Chores and responsibilities just seemed to stack like dishes only they had so few it wouldn’t fill the sink in the first place. But he could put all of that aside later, that was the best part about sleep. All the worries get to be shoved to the side from a little while.

Even being a lifelong sprawler. No one was immune to its going ons and a drug dealer after a haul from a rave? There were plenty out there desperate enough to try their luck even when one was wearing a red jacket.

Mathias’s eyes flicked back at the shadow behind him. He had learned in the wild often the ones with bright colors were the ones you had to watch out for. While it wasn’t the reason he wore the jacket it was fun to add that as a little fact. What was less fun was being followed after a few blocks. He zipped up his jacket clenching his jaw. Mathias didn’t make it to adulthood on luck.

Two more shadows joined the first, the sound of footsteps walking faster. A third shadow joined after he turned another corner.

‘Well shit.’ Mathias thought with a sharp exhale his steps automatedly picking up the pace, his stride widening. His nerves were already on edge now and fighting the urge to run. That was a mistake a lot of people made. It was better to wait, wait till the right moment to give as much lead as you could get. He focused on the corner he was coming up to. That was going to be his chance. His eyes flicked back to the looming shadows as he prepared to run.

His followers weren’t going to give him that chance, sprinting forward and grabbing for the man’s red jacket.

“Sonova-” Mathias hissed, teeth gritted as he swung at one of the assailants. He wasn’t a fighter, no actual formal training. He was a brawler, he fought to survive and he learned to fight by repeatedly getting his ass handed to him till one day he was handing out the ass whooping. Sometimes fighting back was enough to dissuade an attack. They often relied on surprising you, getting you off guard, smash-and-grab style. There were more of them then there were of him so he was hoping to spook them. He would be damned if he was going to get robbed on his home turf!

The assailant grabbed Mathias’ wrist and twisted, while someone else punched him in the gut once, twice, three times for good measure, three quick jabs meant to knock the wind out of the redheaded man. “Grab his shoes,” One of them said, his voice thick and raspy as if even at his young age he smoked two packs a day for years.

Mathias flailed, lashing out and he was shoved, bouncing off the brick wall and gasping from the air. He didn't have any time to receive when they were grabbing at him and arm snaking around his neck, jerking him back.

“Fuck his shoes, get his pockets,” Another said, practically groping Mathias for what he had on him.

Mathias kicked aiming in the general direction of one of them and swung with his free hand. “Not even gunna buy me dinner?” He wheezed as he lashed out. This was not looking good and while he was sure he connected on a few hits he was seeing stars when he got popped in the eyes. The blow sent him reeling. Actual panic started to set in. He was stunned by the blow and he felt hands on him searching for a jackpot.

“Take the jacket! Take the jacket! This asshole has drugs!” Someone put a plastic shopping bag over his head to cover his eyes and restrict his breathing. “Get the jacket!”

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